Chapter 31

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This morning I woke up alone in my bed. I was wondering where Brad was. I took my time but finally decided to go down to saw him. I went downstairs and called him several times but he didn't respond. I passed in each room of the apartment but no trace of my boyfriend.

I finally decided to send him a message before settling down for breakfast

Brad arrived in the apartment a few minutes later in a sportswear

" - Where were you ? I asked

- Isn't it obvious ? He answered me in a neutral way

- Ok ... You don't have to be rude, you know. I said, pained "

He didn't answer and left for the bathroom to take a shower I guess. What was wrong with him? I know this story takes over his mind, but I'm the victim in the story so he doesn't have to be rude like that.

I was drinking my tea when he arrived, dressed, wet hair. He approached me and came to hug me

"- I'm sorry ... He said to me

- May I know why you act like that?

- I slept very badly ... This story disturbs me enormously and I got up early to go running

- Brad, we have to support each other. I'm as bad as you right now you know

- I know, I'm really sorry. I love you... He said before hugging me tight

- I love you too. I replied smiling before kissing him

- Do you want to do something special this afternoon?

- Uh no I don't think so... I thought about it when an idea came to my mind. Wait, maybe I have an idea. I said with a big smile.

- Oh no ... you want to go to the ice cream store, right ...? He asked me, annoyed

- Yes ! And don't be foolish, I know you love to go there

- But you always take at least 15 minutes to choose what you want!

- It's not my fault that there are too many choices you know. I said

- Well you won, go get ready. He laughed and pushed me towards our room "

I prepared quickly and we set off for the best ice cream shop in London. There were always a lot of people.

We arrived and surprisingly, there were only two or three people. So we waited our turn and as usual, it took me a long time to choose what I wanted.

We finally settled on the terrace. It had been a long time since the two of us had spent an entire afternoon and I must say that it felt good.

We talked about everything and nothing for almost two hours, we just wanted to forget everything that was bad in our life right now. And I must say that apart from this story with Lucas, my life as a couple went very well, we were really happy together

Anyway, after having a good laugh as a couple, Brad had to drop me off at work because I was going to start my service soon.

"I think I'm gonna come home later than you tonight. We have a lot of studio work with the guys. He told me

- Oh okay...

- But if you have a problem you just have to call me. Understood?

- Yes.

The Street (English) - Bradley Will SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now