Chapter 19

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* Ellipse 8 months *

Eight months already, eight months since I turned my back on Brad when he was in pain, eight months, eight months since I was angry at myself. You'll tell me it's not normal because I told him "see you in 1 month", but Brad never responding to my messages. To be honest, I would like to know why he didn't send me anything. I had news from Tris and Connor, James hasn't spoken to me since the episode in the hospital. I was sad at first but since then I try not to think about it anymore. Anyway, so I was in touch with Tris and Con the first few months, they asked me about me and gave me some news from Bradley, and then the press also helped me know where he was.

From what the guys said to me and seeing the videos circulating, I know he had a lot of trouble resuming the tour at the start, but after that he pulled himself together and managed to regain pleasure on stage. I spent hours watching videos of him on stage, he was happy. But I really don't understand why he crossed me out of his life, during the tour he wrote me a song "Million Words" and he sang it saying that it was for me. So I thought that when he came back we would see each other again but he decided otherwise. I don't think he's in a relationship, the guys would have told me and the press would have obviously talked about it.

Let's talk about me now. After Brad went on tour, I spent another two weeks in the hospital for all kinds of exams. Niall picked me up and took me to his big apartment. We spent a lot of time in his studio writing and composing songs, it really helped me get over it. Then there was the trial of Lucas who ended up with 5 years in prison. It was a difficult step to face Lucas's gaze after all that, but Niall had stayed with me all the way to support me. He was very present and very kind. I needed that at the time.

But what had to happen obviously happened. We had sex together ... And not just once. It lasted several months. Until the day I ended it, feeling too bad about my past relationship with Brad. Do not ask me why. So I told Niall we should stop. He agreed, but it was not healthy for me to stay at his apartment, and I could not go at the apartment of the boys who had returned from tour. So I took over an apartment in central London. Only Connor knew there was more than friendship between Niall and me

Unfortunately all good things come to an end. After 4 months of keeping in touch with Tris and Con, we finally walked away. We gave ourselves less and less news until we no longer had any. I occasionally meet them at the cafe, because yes I work again in this old cafe.

I was also talking to Kirstie at the beginning, but the fact that James "hates me" prevented us from seeing each other as we wanted and we lost contact too

The only thing I know about The Vamps is that they took a big break of almost 4 months and are working on a new album

My life has been boring since the boys left my life. I am in a constant routine, fortunately that Niall is still there and visits me from time to time but he will soon go on tour so I would be alone in this big city.

I miss my mother, I miss my brother, I miss the guys, in the space of a year I lost so many people ... I don't blame anyone for that. But I blame myself for not having been present enough for my mother, for having rejected my brother, for having rejected and made the man I love suffer, for not having apologized in time to recover James, for having lost contact with the guys, ... But we can not go back, everyone is making their own life now and it may be better like that.

Anyway, today is the beginning of September and I have to hurry out of bed because I have to go to the studio with Niall and he must be waiting for me outside

So I got dressed before joining him

" - Hi you. He told me

- Hello, sorry for the delay, I had trouble getting up

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