Chapter 16

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POV Brad:

She had just discovered the messages on my phone. I tried as best I could to explain the truth to her, but she hasn't let me put one word since she found out. Of course I didn't cheat on her, I like her too much for that. And I know very well what she went through with her ex, I'm not going to make her relive that. It hurts me that she thinks I slept with someone else, but I understand her reaction. It's my fault, I shouldn't have been lying to her.

The night of James' bachelor party, Lauren was at the same party as us. She was spinning around me a bit, but each time I refused her advances, not being interested at all. But I had been drinking and when she invited me to dance I agreed. We both danced a few minutes before I came to my senses and went back to my seat thinking about Mia. You'll say "you just danced with a girl", yes, but this girl is my ex and I slept with her when I was flirting with Mia so I know my girlfriend doesn't like her. On top of that, when I saw the jealousy crisis she made me when she saw that I had danced with a girl, I did not dare to tell her at all that this girl was in fact Lauren. It would have been World War III and I was too afraid of losing her. But having lied to her I lost her anyway. If I had been honest, maybe we would be having a good evening right now. Instead, she cries, I'm sad, the guys are sad and it ruined my best friend's wedding party.

"Fuck you Brad ... said James

- I'm sorry ... I really meant to tell her, I didn't want her to learn it like that ...

- So you really cheated on her Brad? Seriously? Kirstie got involved

- No ! I danced with my ex at a party but I never told Mia that she was my ex. It's just a misunderstanding ...

- She said we were nothing ... added James pained

- She will forgive you ... I said tears in my eyes

- It is going to be okay Brad... said Con, patting me on the back

- For once I was with a good girl, I screwed up everything

- You love her ? Asked Kirst '

- Of course !

- Then go see her. Go explain to her that you would never have cheated on her. Stop lying to her, and especially hurry up because it's been a few minutes since her ex went to see her outside. I got up quickly

- What an asshole! I left towards the entrance of the room to go and recover the woman of my life "

I got to the glass door and saw them chatting rather calmly. When I saw him approach her and hug her. I decided to go back and sit down, annoyed.

"Are you already done? Tris asked me

- She's warm in the other asshole's arms don't worry. I said angry and sad at the same time

- It doesn't mean anything, she just needs comfort. "

The boys tried to change the subject and we continued to eat. Finally I was no longer very hungry. Conversation had resumed in the room, but it stopped abruptly when the door crashed against the wall and allowed Lucas, the ex to Mia, to appear, his head bloody. I understood directly that something was happening. I jumped out of my chair to head for him, followed by the boys. Arrived at him i said

" - Where is she ?!

- I...

- Tell me where she is! I said taking him by the collar of his shirt

The Street (English) - Bradley Will SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now