Chapter 18

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POV Brad:

I clicked on this article to read the content "Big surprise today, the handsome boy from the English band violent with his girlfriend?" Indeed, the young couple had been living an idyll for 2 months, they were making public appearances and looked happier than ever. But was it a facade? Late afternoon yesterday Mia Davis was spotted with a black eye and other facial wounds. She was transferred to the hospital but it didn't stop there. A few minutes later, it was none other than Bradley Simpson who was seen being questioned by the police, but a small detail caught our attention. His fist was swollen and his knuckles were damaged, a sign that he had hit someone. We cannot believe in a coincidence. Is it the end of the famous singer's career? We will give you new information as soon as we have it! "

Hate messages arrived in abundance in my notifications. I had already received some bad comments but not as much. There was not a single positive comment and I had lost at least 500,000 followers. I swung my phone and it smashed against the floor. How could they believe I could do such a thing? I was at a loss, it was the end of my career.

The sound of my phone woke Mia

"Brad? Are you okay ?

- No. I said blankly.

- Why ? She asked me calmly

- Go on twitter. She did so and when I saw the eyes she made, I knew she had found the article.

- But is that a joke? How can they be so stupid ?! She got angry

- Mia I'm going to lose my job ... And therefore the guys too ... I ... The words didn't come. I was panicking

- Hey it's going to be fine. Joe will find a solution. She told me

- Even if it is proven to be false, people will still think otherwise. They just dirty my image Mia ... I said realizing the consequences of this article.

- James is calling me. She said looking at her phone "

She answered and he told her they were all going to come with Joe in 10 minutes. I bit my nails as Mia opened her arms for me to hug her. That's when we knocked on the door. Mia told them to come in and my best friends came to hug me to comfort me.

"- I'm sorry guys ... I hope it won't affect your career ... I said

- Brad. We have several solutions, but that will not make us forget all this Drama ... Joe announced me

- Say it anyway

- We're already going to file a complaint and do an interview to explain the truth. But fans will not forget and some will not believe it. I don't think we should cancel the end of the tour, on the contrary. But according to the doctors, Mia will not be able to come and people will directly think that you have separated because of your so-called violent acts. The worst end would be that your reputation is too bad and you have to leave the band...

- But we won't continue The Vamps without Brad. Replied the guys

- Of course yes ! There are plenty of great singers on earth who can replace me. You are not going to stop your career because I am not anymore in the band. Look, One Direction, they didn't stop when Zayn left

- This is out of the question B. You are not just a member of the band, you are our brother and we will not continue this without you. Said James

- Anyway, don't think about the worst. We will try to fix all of this without problems. Brad, you have an interview to the BBC later today. Journalists may be tough so get ready. I leave you. Good recovery Mia. He smiled at her and left the room

The Street (English) - Bradley Will SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now