Chapter 17

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"- I have a question for you Lucas

- Tell me

- Why all this masquerade?

- Do you mean your kidnapping? The bottle that hit me was a fake, it had to be credible in case someone outside saw the whole scene.

- Ho... How did the others find out?

- I came back into the room with my head bloody with fake blood of course and I told everyone that you had been kidnapped

- How did they react? He began to clench his fists. And shit he was getting angry

- Your shabby boyfriend started hitting me saying I should have protected you. Obviously I had to let him doing it otherwise they would have suspected me. He replied curtly

- Brad did that? I said shocked. But he's not usually a violent person...

- Oh don't worry, he was back to the pathetic little boy that he is seconds later. He cried like a little girl in the arms of his friends. It was ridiculous. Suddently angry I slapped him. How dare he treat Brad like this? Obviously I regretted my gesture right after because he took revenge but that didn't stop me

- He's not ridiculous, he's a sensitive person and then he pissed you off pretty well for a pathetic little boy! I said angrily wiping my bloody lip. He took me by the throat and leaned me against the wall. Why are you doing all this? I hardly said due to lack of air

- BUT FUCK HE TOOK YOU FROM ME! YOU LOVED ME BUT YOU MET HIM AND SINCE YOU HATE ME! I RECOVER WHAT BELONGS TO ME. He screamed but let go of me at the end of his sentence and I fell to the ground

- I didn't like you anymore before I met Brad. In fact, I stopped loving you the day you cheated on me. From that day on, I no longer belonged to you. I calmly said what made him calm down. But his gaze darkens again

- That's what we are going to see. He said when he left the room while I was blowing "

POV Brad:

We had arrived at the room, fortunately for us there were housekeepers. So we took the initiative to go directly to them

"- Hello, it may seem strange to you but we celebrated our friend's wedding in this room 3 days ago and we wanted to know if you had ... How to say ... Found something strange? Tris asked the woman in her thirties

- You are known aren't you? My daughter has posters of you in her room. She asked

- Indeed, we are a band that makes music. I answered. So you know something? I said impatient

- No nothing special, we found two jackets and five scarves but that's it. She avoided our gaze

- You're lying. I told her

- Brad! Yelled James

- What ?! I can see it ! I told James before I look into the eyes of the woman in front of me. Madam please tell us what you know ... My girlfriend has been missing for 3 days and if there is anything that can help me find her I would do anything to get it

- Well, I'll tell you what I know. But the police made me swear not to share this information. You must not therefore denounce me. She said sternly

- We promise you. Con replied ready to listen to this woman's revelations

- Well, first they found a phone, your girlfriend's phone I guess because they took it saying it was a proof. And the second thing ... She hesitated to tell us

The Street (English) - Bradley Will SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now