Chapter 6

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This morning I was woken up by Tristan who burst into my room with a panicked look.

"- Mia! Do you know where the boys are? He asked me panicked

- No because as you can see I was sleeping. Why ?

- Nobody is there. I blew, got up and go to the kitchen and that's when I found a post-it on the fridge

- Tris! There is a post-it that says they left in rehearsals at 10am and that you have to join them. I said loud enough for him to hear me

- Oh yeah the rehearsals

- Doesn't it matter that they started without you? It is already 11am...

- No, Brad warms up his voice and they are already doing sound tests with the guitars. He answered me

- Oh okay

- I'll join them. You want to come ?

- I can?

- Well yes if I suggest you!

- Awesome ! I jumped everywhere, I was in a hurry "

I took my jacket and we set off for the O2 Arena. The closer we got, the more I saw the size of the building. It was huge, I had never seen anything like it.

Once there, Tristan wrapped his arm around my shoulders while he said hello to the bodyguard. I realized that I was probably going to meet all their team and I started to panic. They will think that I take advantage of the kindness of the guys, or that I monopolize them too much. My whole body started to shake and I lifted Tristan's arm from my shoulders before running for the exit.

"- Mia! Tristan yelled at me while he was chasing after me. I saw the toilet sign so I went to take refuge there

- Mia what's happening to you? Tris asked behind the door that separated us

- Nothing don't worry, go join the guys I'll go home. I said in a small voice

- No way I'm leaving until you tell me what's going on. Someone entered the toilet

- Tris we need you on stage, you have to try your drums. It was the voice of a rather young man

- I'll come in a minute. He said before we heard the bathroom door close. The man was gone

- Mia please get out of here ... He asked one last time

- No. I heard him sigh and then go out. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down when I heard that damn door again

- Mia ...? It was Brad. Mia, Tristan told me you were here and you didn't want to go out. Want to tell me what's going on?

- Your team... I whispered

- Our team ? Is there a problem with them?

- I don't like meeting people, and they'll think I'm taking advantage of your kindness ... It's not my environment, I'm not rich and I have nothing to do in a place like this

- You are our friend, of course you have something to do here. Guys love you, you're James' best friend so you have to stay here. Our team is great, I'm sure you will get on well with them. He reassured me and I decided to get out of the bathroom. Come on, I'll introduce you to everyone. He said to me, holding out his hand to me. I took it and chills ran through my body.

The Street (English) - Bradley Will SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now