Chapter 25

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Mia's POV

I'm going on a tour today with the guys, it's only for two weeks but I'm nervous about how it will be with Brad. We yelled at each other again yesterday. But for once I don't understand him. He keeps reminding me that we've broke up for a long time and that I need to move on but he's mad at me for something that happened before we even became a couple. And I kissed this guy for the bottle game, and I didn't want to. But anyway I don't have to justify myself to him.

I arrived at the boys' apartment, we were supposed to leave in an hour at the airport but I preferred to be early especially knowing the guys. So I knocked on the door and Tris came to open me with a big smile.

" - Hi you ! Ready for the big departure?

- Right now I'm looking forward to it but I don't think I'll be in the same frame of mind soon. I replied

- Why ?

- Because I know how annoying you are. I laughed

- Us? How dare you say that? He replied by making a shocked expression

- I know you ! I winked at him as James entered the room and came to hug me

- Have you been better with Brad the other day? He asked me

- Yeah, but it's still in the back of my mind. I said starting to get angry again.

- I understand. James answered

- And fuck, he must stop reacting like that! We are no longer together! Doesn't he already have enough to do with his couple ?! I railed

- Actually Julia left him the other night. Confessed to me Tris

- Oh ... I calmed down. Why ?

- Brad lied to her saying that he didn't know who Joe was going to take to replace her, and she's fed up with all of the stories about you

- It's a shame, she's a good girl. But hey it seems that the basis of a couple is trust. I said

- You're pretty badly placed to speak. Told me a familiar voice

- Oh hi Brad. I said ironically

- Do not come and give lessons when you are no better than me

- I am much better than you! Look at yourself, you're a kid Bradley! It's normal that I went to Niall. I exploded and it was when I saw Brad's head decay that I instantly regretted my words

- STOP! Fuck! But how old are you ?! You start to get us all bothered with your bullshit! We will leave in an hour for two weeks all together and I will not hold if you continue like this! Said James angry

- I- I hadn't finished my sentence that Brad quickly went to his room

- You screwed up on that one. Connor told me

- I know...

- Look, I know he's tough on you right now, but be careful what you say to him. You may not realize it but his confidence in him really took a hit when he learned that you were sleeping with Niall and even if he do the tough guy who rebuilt himself, the wounds are still open inside of him. Tris told me calmly.

- I'll go see him. I was announcing "

I walked down the hall to quickly find myself in front of Brad's room, which I now knew very well. I knocked but he didn't answer. So I allowed myself to enter knowing that he wouldn't give me permission anyway

The Street (English) - Bradley Will SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now