Chapter 30

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It was 3 am and I had just woken up suddenly from a nightmare. I had known for two days that I was going to have to see Lucas again and two nights that I spent having nightmares about him. I was terrified, I didn't want to see him again. He was dangerous and he was a real psychopath. I was sweating and trembling which woke Brad

"- Babe, you're okay? He said to me in a sleepy voice

- Yes, I'm just going to drink a glass of water. I answered before getting up as he lay down again "

I went down to the kitchen before I had a glass of water. I was shaking so much that I had to drop my glass which exploded against the ground. I was once again in the midst of an anxiety attack. I crouched on the ground to pick up the pieces of glasses, tears running down my cheeks when I saw two hands take mine. I looked up at Brad who took the pieces of glass from my hands. He got up to throw them in the trash before coming to hug me to calm me down. Once my tremors were stopped, we went to sit on the sofa. Brad left to get a blanket which he put around my shoulders before giving me a new glass of water

" - You feel better ? He asked me, worried

- I think so

- You should have told me that you were not well instead of letting me go back to bed ... He told me

- I didn't want to worry you

- Are you afraid about Lucas ...?

- I'm afraid they'll release him Brad ...

- There is no chance that they will release him Mia, he kidnapped you, it's not nothing

- I hope you're right...

- He will never hurt you anymore sweetheart, I'll be there for you. He hugged me a little harder before leaving a kiss on the top of my head

- Are you going to come with me tomorrow...?

- Of course I will come! Now you should try to sleep, it's going to be a long day tomorrow

- I do not want...

- Okay, whatever you want. He made me sit on his lap "

We chatted for a good hour before I fell asleep again. I felt Brad carry me but I was too tired to react. He laid me down in bed before coming to stick to me.

This time I was awakened by Brad who had brought breakfast to bed. I gave him a light kiss on the cheek and he came to sit next to me

" - What time is it ? I asked

- 10 a.m. He replied before biting into an apple

- Thanks for all that

- It's okay, I wanted to please you. He smiled at me

- Well, it was successful. I said "

I put the tray on the bedside table before lying down next to my boyfriend but he took me by the hips to make me pass over him.

" - I love you. He told me by staring at me

- I love you too. I said before I run my hands around his neck and kiss him

- You should get ready, we have to go in an hour

- But I don't want to let you go! I said, sulking and sticking to him

- Okay, 10 minutes but not more. He gave in before smiling and kissing me. "

After a few minutes we got out of bed to get dressed. I was really stressed but Brad noticed it and he did his best to reassure me.

The Street (English) - Bradley Will SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now