Chapter 21

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Today was Joe's wedding day. I felt stressed since I woke up. I was beginning to doubt about going to the wedding at Tristan's arm. I didn't know if I was going to endure a whole evening seeing Bradley with another.

I was getting ready in Kirstie and James's apartment, the guys were waiting for us downstairs when we had been doing our makeup for at least 2 hours. I really wanted to be beautiful to catch the eye of Bradley. When we finished we went down and the boys stared at us

"- You are beautiful girls !!

- Thanks guys "

I took the hand that Tristan held out to me and the four of us headed for the car

"Are you ok Mia? Told me James concerned

- Yeah I think so... Brad knows I'm accompanying Tris?

- No. I told him I would come with a beautiful girl, but I didn't say who. He told me he was looking forward to meeting her. He said winking at me

- I'm afraid he'll be mad Tris ... I'm his ex ...

- Exactly you are his ex, not his current girlfriend so he has nothing to say. And then we do nothing wrong, we go there as friends!

- Yeah, anyway he started his life over. I said while lowering my head.

- I don't want to give you false hopes Mia but even if you screwed up I think he still loves you. And you know that I know him perfectly. Confessed to me Tris

- Stop with that ... He's in a relationship now. And who knows, maybe I'll meet the love of my life tonight. I said sarcastically

- Yeah probably cause Brad will be there. James told me with a big smile

- Could we change the subject?

- Ok but we'll talk about it another time

- Yeah yeah. I said unconvinced. "

We arrived at the church where there were already people, and the stress began to mount. I wanted to hate his girlfriend but maybe she will be beautiful and adorable and I will appreciate her despite myself. Tris took my hand to give me courage as we headed for Connor and Lucee. I gave them a hug when Brad's voice reached my ears, he was a few meters from us, beside him was a pretty brunette with blue eyes. I quickly looked away from the "couple" as they headed for us.

" - Hi guys ! I present to you Julia the girl I told you about. Said Brad his hand resting on his new girlfriend's lower back

- You never met her? I said whispering to Tristan

- No, he never brought her to the apartment. He answered me

- But how long has it been?

- about 3 weeks. He always answered me by whispering

- And Julia, I present you Kirstie, James, Lucee, Connor, Tristan and ... Brad stopped, stared at me then put his eyes on the hand of Tris who was holding mine. Wait is it Mia the beautiful girl who accompanies you ?!

- Uh as you can see yeah. Replied Tris, scratching his neck

- Is that a joke ?!

- Is it a problem for you ? I asked him

- What? No. He replied by glancing at his girlfriend

- OK, let's go ? Connor cut us off, feeling the tension hovering around us. "

Everyone nodded and we entered the church. Obviously I found myself between Tris and Brad.

The Street (English) - Bradley Will SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now