Chapter 24

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Brad's POV:

I woke up with a terrible headache, the memories of the day before coming back to me little by little, my argument with Mia, then the one with Tris. I shouldn't have gotten angry, but knowing that my best friend is interested in my ex is something that I just can't accept. So once again, I seem to have preferred screwing everything up by going out and getting drunk in a bar. I hope Julia won't hold it against me too much...

I put on joggings and decided to go down to the kitchen. There was no one, so I took some medicine for my headache and went to sit on the sofa. I dozed off for a good hour before being woken up suddenly of a loud noise.

"- Julia? I called out when she appeared in the living room with a dark look in her eyes. Why did you shut the door? She didn't answer and took a bag out of the corner of the room. What is that?

- Your thingsshe replied calmly.

- But why?!

- You know very well why.

- I swear to you, I don't...

- So you have no memory of what you did last night, do you? she looked at me curiously.

- Not really... I confessed

- You called me to come look for you, which I did. But just before you fell asleep, you said 'Mia I love you'

- Impossible, I said firmly.

- Oh, stop Brad, I know what I heard.

- Julia...

- I'm done with this. How long have you been laughing at my expense?

- I'm not making fun of you, I promise you...

- And yet, your words gave me the opposite impression yesterday.

- Forgive me... I was drunk and I didn't know what I was saying, I tried.

- Forgive you? I've been doing this for a few weeks now.

- Please, I begged.

- Brad... I need to know that you love me, that I'm the only woman in your life, but you never prove it to me... she said and I felt a twinge in my heart.

- So let me prove it to you, I said softly as I approached her.

Brad I- I cut her off by kissing her"

It didn't take her long to respond to my kiss. I lowered my hands to her thighs and carried her before pressing her against the wall as a moan crossed the barrier from her lips. The tension between the two of us increased and I took her into the bedroom and our clothes quickly found themselves on the floor. I made her feel the best that I could, giving herall the love I had for her.

"- Thank you, Bradshe said to me once we were done.

- Don't thank me for that, I did it with pleasure, I said with a smirk.

- Stop! she said laughing and hit me on the shoulder as I took her in my arms.

- I love youI said leaving a kiss on her forehead.

- Brad, I need to talk to you about something...

- About what? I said worried.

- I will not be able to come with you on tour... My grandmother is sick and my family needs me... she confessed to me.

- Oh, I'm sorry... Don't worry, we only leave for two weeks anyway, and then, if your grandmother is better, you can join us!

The Street (English) - Bradley Will SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now