Chapter 15

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* Ellipse 3 weeks *

Today is the day before the big wedding. I'm excited about being tomorrow. Tonight I'm going to sleep with Kirstie while Brad is going to sleep with James and the guys.

During this 3 weeks, I just took time with Brad, we did all kinds of activities like going biking or going for a walk in the forest. It brought us together a lot and everything is fine. I'm really happy right now, everything is getting back to normal. We just had a little bickering the day after James' bachelor party. They had gone to a club and Brad had agreed to dance with a girl. Obviously it was on the social networks and I was jealous. But everything is back to normal

Other than that, I get along very well with Brad's family, especially with his sister, with who I've get out several times to have a drink and chat

We haven't seen the guys since 3 weeks but we made a lot of video calls, we could stay on the phone for 3 hours talking and laughing.

Anyway, it's 3pm already and I'm going to have to separate from my boyfriend soon.

"Brad can you come please? I asked

- What's wrong? He asked me when I got out of the bathroom

- I have a gift for you.

- Seriously? What is it ? He told me with sparkling eyes

- Don't expect anything extraordinary. I laughed as I pulled out a fake red rose from behind my back. It's to put it in your jacket pocket tomorrow. It gives you a clue about my dress. I said winking at him

- Are we going to be a matching couple? He mocked gently

- Don't make fun of me, it's cute. I said sulking

- Oooooh stop sulking you know I love to match you. He told me seriously. Even if it's completely awkward. He added laughing as I hit him behind the head

- We're going almost to the same place, will you drop me off? At least we will be together a little more. I don't want to leave you ... I said hugging him

- Yes, I'll drop you off. I don't want to leave you either, but you really have to let go of me because I'm going to be late with the guys. He added with a smile

- You don't want more of my hugs?

- Of course yes ! But do you know how James is when we are late? Do you want me to die?

- Ok, let's go. I said by letting go of him"

He kissed me lightly and we set off to join the guys. We talked about trivial things on the way before he kissed me and dropped me off at the hotel where I was going to sleep with Kirstie

" - See you tomorrow love. I can't wait to see you in your dress, you're going to be beautiful

- Kisses, I will miss you! I replied by leaving "

I entered the hotel and joined the blonde

" - Hi, how are you ? She asked me

- Good and you ?

- Very stressed but it's okay »

We discovered our room which was very spacious and there was even a space with a dressing table.

The evening was quick, we went to eat at the restaurant and we went to bed very early to be in shape the next day.

It was the big day, James and Kirstie were going to get married. We woke up early enough to have plenty of time to prepare. Before starting everything, we checked that the dresses were ready, well ironed, that we had not forgotten the shoes, the jewelry.

The Street (English) - Bradley Will SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now