Chapter 10

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"- I ... There is something else I must tell you ...

- Go ahead, to the point where I am. I said

- We should stop talking to each other. He announced me

- I agree, our relationship causes us only problems and it also hurts your band. So from now on we ignore ourselves. We will only speak when necessary.

- It's OK. Good night Mia... He turned his back on me but I could see tears "

Tonight we both cried, not because we were sorry, but because even if we didn't like the decision, we knew it was the best solution.

The next day, we explained our decision to the boys, they were surprised but said nothing. We then went to the airport without our usual good humor and took off for the United States for the rest of the tour. It was a new start for Brad and me but not necessarily the best.

* 1 month's ellipse *

What can I tell you about this past month? Brad and I kept our promise. We only spoke in the event of force majeure. At first the atmosphere was very cold but over time we learned not to point out to people that we didn't talk each other. I was very sad at first because after all I have feelings for him but I got used to it. The times when we had to talk were pleasant, he was nice to me and it reminded me of our good memories. Everyone made sure that we never was with each other. For example, for the rooms, I was always with James who always supported me. Speaking of the guys, they never really agreed with our decision because they are convinced that we love each other and that it is a mess. So they tried to dissuade us at first but quickly gave up

Let's talk about Bradley now. Contrary to all I would have thought, he hadn't slept with anyone for a month, or kissed for that matter. He was always the only one to stay sober in the evening. He was always polite to me and almost cracked once when he came to see me when I was alone. But he changed his mind. Physically, he cut his hair and he looks even better than before. It has only been a month and everything has changed in him. The truth is that everything has gotten sexier, he has changed his style of dress, he often wears half-open shirts and he puts on his glasses much more often. It even looks like he has become more mature. Anyway, I thought that moving away from him would make me forget my feelings for him and well, it's just the opposite. He drives me crazy, every action he does makes me fall for him even more. The other day I walked past a half-open door and caught him buttoning his shirt. I had to tap into my mental strength not to enter the room and kiss him.

Regarding the tour, I received my first salary, which was far beyond my expectations. I get along very well with everyone and I love to visit different cities every day so I'm in heaven. They use my guitars every night, even Brad never lets go of the burgundy guitar I gave him. Their concerts are always as fabulous and given the smiles that Dean (their photographer) manages to capture every night, I think the fans have the same opinion as me. I now know all of their lyrics. Speaking of songs, Missing You is the only link I have kept with him, every night when he sings it we fix each other and it is the one and only connection that we had during this month. Fans have noticed this but are used to it now.

Today is February 20 and it's my birthday. We're now in Los Angeles and the guys don't have a concert until tomorrow. That means we're going to be able to party tonight!

I was currently in my hotel room on my bed, I turned to James's bed and saw that it was empty. Great start for a birthday. I heard a knock on the door. I went to open the door and I discovered Tris, Con and James

"- Happy Birthday Mia! They screamed and I think everyone in the hotel heard them.

- Thanks guys. I laughed while they took me in their arms. I was a little disappointed that Brad didn't come, I would have liked that for my birthday he put our promise aside.

The Street (English) - Bradley Will SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now