Chapter 32 (last one)

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"- Hello beautiful, here we go again. Said Lucas while I started to panic

- Let me go please ... I begged him, still on the ground, not daring to move

- You escaped me once. I was in jail because of you. He accompanied his sentence with a violent kick in my stomach. You won't make it this time

- I'm begging you ... I was whispering when my phone rang. He quickly took it in his hands and stared at the screen

- Again this fucking idiot! When will he understand that you are mine ?! He screamed, swinging my phone against a wall. You deserve better than an asshole like him!

- Brad is not an asshole ...

- Shut your mouth ! He pulled me by the hair to get up before pushing me against a wall. I was in terrible pain

- You're gonna be back in jail for that. I whispered

- What did you just say ?! Don't be clever with me. He punched me and knocked me to the ground. My head hit the ground, making me wince "

He had always had a minimum of "pity" the first time he kidnapped me but this time he was different. His eyes were filled with hatred, something I had never seen before. I was horribly afraid and I blamed myself for not having waited for Brad as he had asked me to do. My thoughts went to my boyfriend, he must have been so worried. And if something happens to me today he'll be mad at him all his life. Unfortunately Lucas is very strong physically and I do not make the weight against him.

I was desperate, my gaze was directed towards the street in the hope of finding someone who could help me but this fucking street was completely deserted. It was then that I recognized this street, it was the place where I saw Brad for the first time. The time he ran into me and left without even turning around

I could still have thought about Brad and how much I loved him but Lucas didn't give me the chance. He approached me and stared at me with a perverse look. The same look I saw on the man who tried to rape me over a year ago now. I unfortunately remembered it as if it were yesterday.

Lucas approached me as I backed away until I was pressed against a wall. He got a little closer and I had no way out

"- We're going to have fun now. He told me "

He put his face far too close to mine, I just wanted to run away. I had the reflex to put my hands on his chest but he took them firmly to block them. He wasted no time and pressed his lips violently against mine, I was completely disgusted. I moved a lot to free myself but he kept a strong pressure on me so that I did not move. He pinched my arm tightly, so I opened my mouth because of the pain and he took the opportunity to insert his tongue into my mouth. Tears flowed abundantly down my cheeks as he enjoyed doing what he was doing. But being completely absorbed by his growing excitement, he let go of my hands to put his under my sweater. I took the opportunity to bite his lip hard and push him away.

He backed away quickly, certainly not expecting that and looked at me, pissed off

"- You will regret it, bitch"

He took a knife from his pocket and it was then that I realized that I was really going to die. He took a quick step towards me before grabbing my throat and lifting me up. I was struggling, feeling the air becoming more and more rare. I did everything I could to free myself from his grip, I tried to kick him but nothing helped and I felt that my strength was slowly leaving my body. And when I was going to pass out, he dropped me on the ground. My eyes were barely open and I was struggling to catch my breath. I saw Lucas, lifting his knife before giving me the blow that would probably end my life. I felt strong pain in my chest and saw blood on the hands of my attacker.

The Street (English) - Bradley Will SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now