Chapter 39 : The Dean's Game

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Three days later. Gold's Room. Eun Hee's POV. 

"Guys! Great news! Baekhyun is going to be released today!" I exclaim, jumping for joy. "Really? Wow. And to think that getting minor bone injuries is going to hold him back for another couple of days or so. I can't believe he could recover so fast! Don't you think so, Chanyeol?" said Kyungsoo, luring his eyes away from his textbook.

Chanyeol rolls his eyes, positioning himself as he takes off to one of his famous naps. "You shouldn't be like that, Chanyeol. Baekhyun has been really good to us whenever we visit him in the Hospital." said Tao, frowning as he takes his earphones off.

Chanyeol, whose face was covered with an eye mask, spoke. "I didn't even say anything. Anyway, if you're going to be talking about that guy, then leave me out of that topic, wake me up when a falling ice cream truck suddenly falls down the sky or something, now that, that would be very interesting." I place both my hands on my waist, "Fine. If you think that way of Baekhyun, then I guess you're not invited to the party I'm holding for Baekhyun tonight!"

He sighs, shrugging it off as he continues dozing off for the whole afternoon. Lay chortles from his desk, placing his pen down. "Aw come on. Don't be such a party pooper, Chanyeol. Go on and tell them about it. I'm sure Eun Hee would even change her mind about blacklisting you to the party later tonight." Chanyeol ignores Lay, his hand gesturing him to zip it.

Lay chuckles even more, leaving me in a more bizarre and interested state. "Uh, is there something I, or rather should I say, we know about Lay?" Lay flicks his stares at everyone present in the room, his smile expanding as he finally lands his eyes at mine. "I think they'll be here in a minute."

I tilt my head to the side, unable to solve any of what Lay was saying. "They?" Suddenly, the door gives in an audible knock from the other end of the door. Xiumin hastily answers the door to find a delivery man who examined the room fully to find Lay by the corner of the room. The delivery man sends a smile and wave at Lay, and at the same time, it seems that Lay has responded the same facial gesture as well.

The delivery man then carries the same type of desk like the other desks placed here, alongside another delivery man who seemed to have been putting more pressure into carrying. The desk was then placed beside Chen's cluttered desk. All of us watch as they quietly leave the room, leaving us to think of who would soon dominate that desk.

"Oh! Is that for Baekhyun?" says Tao, playfully guessing as he raises his hand up in the air. My eyes suddenly enlarge, "O-Omo, is that what this desk is about? If that's the case, then that means--" "Yep. Chanyeol decided to bring Baekhyun as one of the Gold members. So starting his release from the Hospital, he'll be staying with us now." says Lay, smacking Chanyeol back to his senses.

"Hey! What was that for, huh?!" yells Chanyeol, irritatingly scratching the back of his nape. He then looks at all of our dumbfound expression. "Yeah yeah, so what if I let him join the group, huh? It doesn't mean that I completely see him as a worthy member. It just so happens that I feel so bad about that incident with Kai that I plan to keep Baekhyun away from that monster.."

I paint a satisfied look, "That's a really great thing you're doing, Chanyeol. You may sound so evil all the time, but at most times, you really just want to protect the people around you. You're a really good leader and a friend, Chanyeol. I hope you don't change that part about you." Chanyeol turns deep red watching as the other Gold members give a teasing look at the very back of Eun Hee.

Chanyeol points his nose up in the air, acting up like a spoiled brat. "W-Whatever. I only took him in cause he's a stupid loner." He then proceeds to lower his pride a tad bit, "A-And since I did let him become a Gold member. I should be the most VIP member there is in that party later, do you hear me?" I sheepishly smile, "Yes of course! Since you want to be the most important member there is tonight, then you'll be the one to pick Baekhyun up from the Hospital!"

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