Chapter 33 : My Strength

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Bronze class. PE time.

The whistle blows, alerting the players below of the start of the practice sprint run. I watch from afar, seated comfortably on the bench. I huff a sigh, seems like I'm the only one attending such subjects. Chen and Xiumin are most probably inside the Gold's class, studying for the upcoming third midterm test. While I'm here avoiding almost everyone there is to avoid. Maybe it's to relieve myself from all the things happening around me.

To be truthful, I feel kind of better already. It's been almost one and a half week since I last saw a Platinum member come my way. I guess it's convenient since the Platinum room is at the other side of the rest of the lower ranks. Still, I wonder what has become of the other members. Sehun? Suho? Luhan? Kris? To be honest, I kind of do miss them. I wonder if they feel the same way..?

"You know, you shouldn't over think too much. It damages the memory." I shift my attention to the left to find Luhan staring right at me. I slide my butt to the opposite side, gapped. "W-What are you doing here, huh?" Luhan shrugs, "How's being a loner all of a sudden? Fun?"

I glower at him, facing the open field again. "It's none of your business." "Yeah, I know. I don't have the right to ask you something like that. Heck, I don't even miss you one bit." My cheeks turn deep red of annoyance, "YA--" "But the others do." I abrupt myself to release any more fumes, watching as Luhan stands up back again. "You might think that us Platinum members are heartless for choosing the new Platinum over you, but in reality, it is what we are told to do."

"It's our job to follow our leader, and no matter how difficult his tasks are, we have to abide to whatever he wishes. I hope you don't think badly of us, especially to Kai. I know how much you hate him for treating you like trash. But like what I said way before, you just have to trust him and the rest of the members. If you stop now, then all your efforts would be meaningless. If I were you, I'd stand up and try again, because life is too short to experience everything."

Luhan turns away, making his way out of the bleachers area, and back inside the campus. I turn my attention to the Platinum building at the farther right, watching faint movements by the window. Then I saw Krystal, staring right at me with a devilish smirk, she immediately covers the whole glass window with the curtains, reprimanding me to see anything further.

I bite my lower lip, heading my way back inside the campus.


Silver building. North Wing Corridors. Afternoon.

"Oh, Byun Baekhyun? He called in sick today, so he's not anywhere in school." said a random male classmate. I plaster a poignant look, "R-Really? O-Oh, then that's too bad. I hope he's doing alright.." "Don't worry about it. I'm sure he's resting peacefully in bed. Our class mayor will be visiting his house later on, maybe you'd want to give him a message or something?"

I bob my head once, "Ah, then please tell him to get well soon and take care." The male classmate smiles, "Alright. I'll make sure he gets that message." I left after some time, leaving in a hurry out of the silver building. A sudden hand grabs me from behind, I whip back to find my PE teacher with his nose enlarging with every breath he took. I clear my throat, "S-Sunbaenim!"

"Skipping class are we, Ms. Jong?" I shake my head, "O-Of course not! I just, uhm, I just--" "No escaping this time. You are no longer the Platinum of the campus, Ms. Jong. Now hurry and place yourself in the field! We're going to play soccer now." In a quick manner, sunbaenim drags me back down the field with the rest of the lethargic students.

"Yah! Jong! Go and be the goal keeper, I don't think you're any use as a running player." said one of my newly acquired teammates. I stand my post by the goal, examining each of my team players by the centre of the field. Upon the blow of the loud whistle, everyone disperse in an instance, leaving me unable to follow the ball all too well. This certainly isn't my sport! Aigo, if only this were tennis, I would have won without a sweat!

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