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     This is a world where the strong pray on the weak.

     The smart trick the stupid.

     The dirty corrupt the innocent.

     The beautiful outshine the ugly.

      Kirishima Eijirou has experienced hell on earth by the time he was 10. He was average by any means, average grades, average strength, even the way he looked was average. Nothing special about him except...his personality. He was bubbly, kind. He was determined with a diamond will. But...that wasn't enough.

     The world is cruel, and only the able ones survive.

     Kirishima Eijirou has had a rough childhood. His father had died and his mother was never home. He had to learn how to take care of himself since as long as he could remember. But despite those facts, he was still kind. He wasn't smart academically, but he knew when to draw the line. He was stupid enough to let people walk over him and that alone had gotten him into a few fights. And lost most of the time.

     But despite that, he didn't change. He grew up, surrounding himself with kind people and didn't care if they were weak or strong, dumb or very smart, it didn't matter. He made friends, people were attracted to him like iron was to a magnet.

     However, Kirishima Eijirou felt like the loneliest person in the world. He was so kind, he refused to tell his own problems. He was so kind, he acted like the happiest guy on Earth on days he felt like crying. So kind, he wouldn't throw a punch to a person who punched him back unless they really deserved it.

     People were amazed by him, admired by him while others were jealous or disgusted. It seemed merely impossible to be as happy and kind as him.

     Kirishima, however, just kept moving forward, not caring what others think of him that often. He knew it would only go to his head and bring him down.

     But, there's bound to be a breaking point. It's inconceivable to avoid.



Yes. Yes we do. I'm out of control.

Published January 13 2020
Edited December 17 2022

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