Chapter 1 : I

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     Kirishima woke up to his alarm clock, his eyes crusty from sleep and his throat dry from snoring. He sat up, feeling groggy and tired both physically and mentally. He shook his head as he stuffed his feet into socks. Today was his last day of middle school. Better spend it well before studying for UA.

     He tucked his shirt into his pants, followed by pulling a jacket over his shoulders as he sighed. He felt really tired today. Maybe he shouldn'tve exercised to his limits last night.

     He put bread in the toaster, enjoying the peace and quiet that he usually gets when he's home. His mother worked like an ox, and his father died when he was 8 so the apartment was usually empty.

     He walked off with a dry piece of bread in his mouth, unchaining his bike from the rack. Just then, he saw a brown haired man hoist a box to a boy his age. He had blond spiky hair and was...scary looking.

     Eijirou shivered as he started to ride away, unknowingly earning the attention of the blond haired boy who watched him intently.

     Kirishima arrived to school a bit early, so he took his time going to class. Everyone greeted him happily as he waved back. Then, his friends tackled him from behind, making him fall to the floor and scatter his books.

     "Kiri! How is the schools ball of sunshine?!" Mina teased, squeezing him before he told her to get off.

     "Yeah, how are ya?!" Kaminari piped up.

     "Wow guys, thanks for that," Kirishima whined, even though he grinned brightly.  Kami and Mina looked at each other and quickly snatched up his books as if it were a competition. Kaminari tried to get to a binder but Mina grabbed it as she jumped up and down.

     "I win! I win!" She twirled around while the yellow haired teen glared at her.

     "That's because you cheated!" the boy accused. Kirishima just stood idly by with a cautious smile on his face.

     "I didn't know my property was condemned as a race," he chuckled as the two friends gave him back his school supplies, still at it with stares and smirks. Eijirou stealthily stepped away, an amused twinkle in his eye not that hard to miss. "I'll see you guys later okay?!" he called out gaining their attention.

     "Yo, wanna hangout after school?!" Mina asked, the tension between her and Kami disappearing in an instant. The raven haired boy shook his head.

     "No I got stuff to do! And plus I'm kind of tired today. Maybe later?" he said. They nodded with a smile and he walked to class with a sigh.

     Though he loved his best friends dearly, he was ready to leave that hell hole.

     Lunch rolled around and Kirishima stayed in the classroom with other people. He only did that because he knew if he left he'd getting the shit beaten out of him and he wasn't up for that today.

     People talked to him cheerfully. Some ranted about gossip while others just needed someone to listen to their problems. And that in itself made him genuinely happy. He came off as someone trustworthy, and he was. He hasn't spilt any secret or spread any rumor that wasn't manly. There a difference between telling someone how many guys a girl slept with and telling someone how many trophies they've won.

     The rest of the day went by slowly and when the final bell rang, he sighed with relief as the teacher dismissed them from middle school forever.

     He didn't make his last day unscathed though.

      He was pulled to the side and punched repeatedly in the face and stomach. Told numerous times that he was worthless and fake. He didn't let it go to his head, but he didn't take the blows like a proper punching bag.

     After the boys has had enough they left, leaving prints on his back and pants as well as a bloody nose and a black eye. He sighed, cleaning himself up and changing his clothes since he knew he would've gotten a beat down sooner or later. His knuckles were red and stung from fighting back, but he didn't care. He was used to it.

      He took his time riding back home, enjoying the scenery and the smell of his surroundings he closed his eyes for a second. But that was a mistake.

     "Ow shit!" he opened his eyes a little too late and he crashed, his knees laid under his bike haphazardly and it stung. It ripped a hole in his pants and he groaned. He knew his knee was bleeding but most importantly, he didn't know what had happened.

     "Fucking..." he heard. He looked up and saw a hand on the railing of the bridge...on the other side?!

     Quickly, the raven haired boy sprung into action. He jumped up, pushing the bike off of him and limped to the bridge railing to see a blond boy hanging off by one hand.

     "Damnit! Stupid little shit!" he grumbled, looking down.

     "Grab my hand! I'll help you!" Kirishima shouted, reaching down and gaining his attention. But the boy only scowled.

     "As if! Wait..." his glare harshened, making Kirishima flinch. "You're that piece of shit that almost ran me over! No way in hell am I gonna let some bastard help!"

     "Just grab my hand!" Eijirou pleaded, ignoring the insult. "You'll slip off if you keep holding on like that!" The boy managed to get the other hand on the railing.

     "No! I'm not weak you fuck nugget! I can save myse-"

      A train horn interrupted him and the raven haired boy paled. The bridge is high, but the blond haired demon might get his legs yanked off if he doesn't hurry.

     "Hurry! Just grab my hand and stop being so difficult!" Eijirou shouted, another horn getting closer.

     "No! Go away! I don't need your worthless help!" he said, trying to pull himself up with little avail. The train blew its horn again and emerged from the tunnel.

     "Oh my fucking GOD! Grab my hand! It's not like I'm asking you to fucking marry me! Now stop being so damn stubborn and let me help before you lose your damn LEGS!"

     Eijirou glanced worriedly at the fast approaching train but he was pulled out of his trance when he felt a hand wrap around his. He looked down at the glaring blond.

     "I'll kill you for this!" Kirishima pulled with all his might, gaining assistance from the blond pushing himself up. It was only when the boys shoulders were above the railing did he carefully and quickly put his arms under the others and pulled him over the railing on his own.

      Both boys panted as they landed on the concrete. They felt and heard the train go under the bridge and Kirishima soon forced himself up and limped to the railing, watching the train rush under him.

     He then glanced back and saw the blond stagger to stand. He then limped over to his fallen bike and noticed that the back tire had a huge slit in it. Great.

     "Are you alright?" Eijirou asked, ignoring the stinging pain in his body. The blond boy glared at him, stomping over to him and grabbing a fist full of his collar. Kirishima dreaded where this was going so he sighed.

     "I'm gonna kick your ass! How dare you do that to me?!" he screamed. But Eijirou only smiled which seemed to catch him off guard.

     "I'm sorry man! I wasn't paying attention! Beat my ass if you want to! There's no way I can escape in this condition," he chuckled waving a hand. Only then did the blond notice what he was talking about. His scraped knees and elbows, his black eye, busted lip, bruised jawline and knuckles; the guy was beat up as it was.

     With a low grunt, he dropped his shirt and turned around, stomping the opposite way. Kirishima blinked for a moment before a wide, relieved smile graced his face.

      "Thanks for the mercy man! I owe you, well, a lot!" he waved happily as the blond turned around a bit dumbfounded. Was this guy serious?

      "Whatever. I'll kill you some other time," he growled, leaving the redhead confused. He shrugged as he limped down the sidewalk with his bike out of commission.

     He didn't notice the blond watching him walk home.


Published January 14 2020
Edited December 17 2022

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