Chapter 6 : I

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Months passed and Saiya healed up pretty quickly and was soon back to work, leaving Eijirou alone again.

But Kirishima didn't mind. She was home for a lot longer than usual and he was happy just to hang out with her again.

Everything went back to normal. Well, almost.

Bakugou was 'nicer' to him. He didn't bring up that 'promise' he made when they first met and didn't insult him as often. Eijirou picked up on this when they we're walking back home together and when Kirishima cracked a horrible joke, he laughed a bit instead of sneering at how much of an idiot he was. Well, he did call him an idiot but it felt more teasing than an actual insult.

Kirishima thought he scared him or something. He wasn't one to physically fight unless they absolutely deserved it. Even then, he'd rather solve things peacefully than with his fist.

So he decided not to throw a punch unless someone hurt his friends or the people he cares about. Or if he was in a fatal position like a gun point.

And boy was that a good decision.

They were just walking out of the school when Kirishima was slammed against a wall. He groaned as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Hey! What the fuck do you think your doing!?" Bakugou shouted. Kirishima looked to his left and saw two buff third years holding him back. No matter how talented Katsuki was at fighting there was no way he was strong enough to break free from those ten foot tall monsters.

"Eyes on me, sunshine," the boy in front of him said. Kirishima raised a brow.

"Uh, what's going on? Why is Bakugou being held back?"

"So he won't try to stop me from doing this." Kirishima didn't even see it coming until he felt the pain in his jaw. The guy had punched him.

Eijirou was baffled for a moment before he realized these guys were here trying to start a fight.

"I'LL FUCKING END YOU!" Katsuki shouted. Eijirou spat out some saliva and wiped blood from his jaw.

"What did I do?" Eijirou asked, cocking his head to the side like a puppy. The boy laughed, his dark grey eyes making him uneasy.

"Well for one, my girl has a crush on you," the guy swung but the redhead ducked. "And two, I heard you took down a drunk man that was much bigger than you!" The boy high kicked but missed as Eijirou jumped back.

"Okay, if your girlfriend has a crush on me, I'm assuming you're not being a very good boyfriend then." Eijirou chuckled, making the raven haired kid scowl and throw a messy punch which was easy to dodge.

"Take that back asshole!"

"Says the one that's trying to start a pointless fight," Kirishima shrugged. He stopped a fist coming his way with his palm, and then the other since he threw another one. "And you wanna test my strength based off something that happened 3 months ago?" Eijirou raised a brow and chuckled at the bead of sweat.

"What're you laughing about?!"

"You're jealously. Look, if you wanna keep your girlfriend don't be a jerk to other people. That's very unattractive to most women. And don't be so jealous or else it'll hurt the trust between you and her." He smiled at the boys wide eyes.

"I didn't come here to get RELATIONSHIP ADVICE!" The boy kicked him in the shin, which made him stumble backwards but not fall down.

"Bro, man, my guy, calm down," Kirishima saw some tears in those angry dark eyes as he tried to send another punch but failed since the redhead dodged. His smiled saddened. "She doesn't know you like her does she?" His punch stopped midair as he stared at him with shock.

     "How did you—?"

     "It was just a guess since you seemed a little desperate." Kirishima reached up, since he was much taller, and patted him on the head. "Hey, lets be friends? I don't really like to fight, and if she really has a crush on me, and sees me giving my attention to you, then she'll notice you, and then you can befriend her and impress her all you want okay?" Kirishima smiled as the boy lowered his fist.

     "Would you really do that?" he asked, skeptical.

     "Of course! Now who is it?" Kirishima asked. He lowered his head.

     "Ashido Mina..." Kirishima's eyes widened.

     "No way! My best friend?!" Kirishima shook his head. "Nah man, she doesn't like me like that."

     "Then....why does she always look at you differently?" the boy asked.

     "It's because they're basically siblings dumbass," Bakugou growled. "Now let me the fuck go."

     "Ah, sorry. You can go guys," he dismissed. The men looked at each other and let him go, but not without a kick in the shins from Bakugou.


     "Yeah, me and Mina grew up together! We're like brother and sister!" Kirishima chirped, hold back Bakugou with his arm. The boy sighed and that's when it dawned on him. "Hey, Sero right?"

     "Yeah, I wasn't sure if you'd forgotten or not," he chuckled. Kirishima remember talking to him once or twice and he was really quiet in class so Eijirou left him be.

     "Alright man, I'll see what I can do yeah?" Kirishima waved bye but just before he could leave the gate, Sero shouted.

     "And sorry for punching you man!"

     Kirishima touched his lip and he could still taste blood in his mouth.

     "Oh yeah, I forgot about that," Kirishima shouted back. "It's okay! I forgive you!"

     "You should've let me beat his ass," Bakugou growled, making him chuckle.

     "No, he didn't deserve that," Kirishima smiled. "Sure, his actions were out of line, but he was just hurt and jealous, not bad."

     "He punched you in the mother fucking face stupid!"

     "That's because I wasn't expecting it," he chuckled. "He's not a bully and he seems really nice!"

     "Yeah, punching someone in the face out of jealousy is 'nice'."

     "At least he apologized..." Kirishima dimmed a bit, remembering his middle school years. He shook it from his head and grinned widely.

     He's caused enough trouble for his friends already, they didn't need anymore burdens.

     Eijirou caught Katsuki's side glances as he talked enthusiastically into another subject and couldn't help but smile, a fuzzy feeling welling in his stomach.


Published January 19 2020
Edited December 17 2022

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