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"Well, Uh, let me just start out by saying that I'm genuinely sorry," Eijirou stammered, pacing in front of Bakugou that was sitting on the couch.

"That means nothing to me."

"Yeah I thought it wouldn't." Kirishima fidgeted with his hands as he swayed from side to side.

"3 minutes left and you've yet to explain yourself," Bakugou deadpanned.

"Yeah yeah, Uh.." Kirishima thought before he gave up and just let his heart spill out. He couldn't ruin the friendship more than he has.

"I am comfortable with you. I just decided to stop showing it because you called it weird and I didn't wanna make you uncomfortable," he spewed, glancing over him who had his brows raised. "And yes I was avoiding you a little bit because well—" Kiririshima furrowed his brows before turning his back to Katsuki out of embarrassment. "Well because I always feel weird around you. The good kind of weird that was warm and fuzzy but also makes me queasy."

"What the fuck does that even mean?" Bakugou muttered, tapping his foot. Kirishima hitched a breath before slowly turning around.

"I know this is kind of over dramatic of me to say but it felt like my heart was like that glass that I dropped and shattered into tiny pieces a few days ago when you told me you didn't wanna be my friend anymore," Kirishima murmured. "But I'm not gonna force you to do anything so you don't have to worry. And I was lying because I was still collecting my thoughts on how to explain. I honestly don't know how you put up with me for so long."


"And it hurts so fucking much. I made you cry. I broke your trust. And now you hate me because of my stupidity. Because I'm truly a piece of shit just like you said. I deserved every harsh word thrown my way."

"Eijirou I—"

"And the whole ass reason I avoided you was because I was too weak to hold my shitty self back. I thought if I gave at least a little bit of space I could preserve our friendship but it ended up tearing it apart completely!" Kirishima dug his nails into his forearm.

"Eijirou let me—"


"Enough!" Katsuki shouted, making Kirishima freeze and wipe away the tears that he didn't realized fell down his face.

"Ah, I guess it's time to leave then." He sniffled, forcing a smile on his face. "I guess I'll—"

"Oh my god let me fucking speak damnit!" Bakugou yelled, shaking the redheads shoulders. Kirishima stared at him baffled but nodded, pressing his lips together. Katsuki let out a sigh.

"Jesus, finally." Katsuki chuckled, throwing him off guard and caused him to blush. He stared at his feet, feeling butterflies as he felt his skin tingle under his fingers.


"Don't worry about that but, I'm sorry too," he murmured. "I was just...jealous I guess. You didn't tell me before hand and I didn't like you running off with dunce face like that."

"He asked when I came out of the bathroom man. It was short notice," Kirishima waved his hand but Bakugou shook his head.

"Still, it wasn't, uhm, manly of me to snap at you like that earlier. I was just angry and impatient and I didn't give you time to gather up your slow ass mind and explain. And plus, if you wanted to lie you'dve tried a bit harder than that." He furrowed his brow and looked away, letting his hand fall off of his shoulders. "I usually don't give a shit but I guess I....likehavingyouaround..." he mumbled.

Thought So {KiriBaku | BakuShima}Where stories live. Discover now