Chapter 8 : Wrong

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Kirishima couldn't sleep. His mind raced with his past. All those years in middle school. The months he spent with Bakugou and Kaminari and Mina. The incident with Atahi. Sero wanting to fight him. They all raced in his mind and the regrets kept coming and coming until he couldn't hold the tears he's collected.

Kirishima Eijirou thought he was kind, but in reality he was just an idiot that people liked to be around. He didn't help people, he waited until they needed to be saved to help them instead of noticing before hand. He was a wrecking ball that thought he was a good builder when he tore everything apart.

Kirishima slapped a hand over his mouth because he knew how thin the walls were. He didn't want to worry his friends like he did at the hospital. There was nothing to cry about, yet here he was weeping over the small things that stabbed his heart like needles.

He felt so mentally and physically sick of himself. Why was he such a screw up?

He vomited in his toilet before he even knew he got up. The distaste of bile and his ice cream from earlier stuck to his mouth.

     "Ugh..." he grunted, flopping down on the tile in a cold sweat. "I'm actually sick. Damn that ice cre-hmp!" He clutched the toilet seat as he coughed up more puke.

     "Shi...Shit..." 'I have a test tomorrow!'

Kirishima didn't sleep at all that night.

After his vomiting session ended he went to the kitchen and found the sun rising. The light peaked through the window, filling the room with a golden natural light. It was pretty and the red hue reminded the boy of those crimson eyes. He shook his head to rid from the thought.

He drank two glasses of water before swallowing anything. He sat at the counter with a blanket round his shoulders and a lemon honey tea his father used to make him whenever he was sick as a child. He drank it slowly, watching the sun rise above the ground. In about 15 minutes Bakugou would knock on his door.

'Bakugou...' the name sent butterflies to his stomach but also felt his heart feel heavy. He noticed this a lot. He was always happier and more energetic when the feisty boy was around. He liked to study his face whenever he was talking or when he himself started rambling about nonsense. He liked the playful banter they threw around and his dazzling smirk whenever he laughs or is proud of something he did or said. He liked the competitive video games and pointless races to places like school. He liked rough-housing and just enjoying his presence.

'But Bakugou thinks I'm annoying...and he likes someone else.' He frowned deeply at that irrefutable fact.

He jumped when he heard banging on the door. He held his heart and sighed.

     He opened the door just a crack to see him waiting in the hallway very annoyed.

     "Fina— why the fuck aren't you dressed yet school starts in 15 minutes!" Bakugou shouted, then noticed the blanket and Kirishima's clammy skin.

     "Go on without me man. I'm gonna stay home today," he smiled weakly, biting down the urge to cough.

     "What the fuck happened? You were fine yesterday!" Bakugou loudly said with a slight slimmer of concern. Kirishima shook his head.

     "Not so loud man," he rubbed his temple. "It's probably something I ate yesterday. I'll be fine tomorrow so go before you're late," he chuckled with a wave of a hand.

     "You're such an idiot. Don't push yourself. My mom is next door so call her if you need anything—"

     "I'll be fine! It's not like I've never been sick before," he giggled before he coughed. "Now go."

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