Chapter 13 : Without

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The past week consisted of Eijirou gradually being more intimate with Bakugou. Walking closer to him after school, holding his hand and leaning on his shoulder while they watched movies, resting his knees on the others legs while they played video games.

Kirishima felt more comfortable now that he could release his feelings through little acts of affection. Though it still felt as though it wasn't enough.

"Shitty hair, we-we need to talk," Bakugou stammered, earning Kirishima's attention fairly quickly.

"Yeah? What about?" Kirishima asked, pausing the TV and sitting upright.

"Is there something wrong?" Bakugou asked quietly, observing Kirishima's head going sideways like he always did when he was confused.

     "No, why?" Kirishima knew why though, but he refused to show it.

     "Well um," Bakugou looked away sort of embarrassed, "you've been acting really fucking weird lately. Like—" He groaned in annoyance as he couldn't fit the words in his mouth.

     "Oh, like affectionate?" Kirishima smiled, leaving him surprised.


     Kirishima knew well that this wasn't the time to bring it up. He hadn't had enough time to gather his confidence or words yet. He needed to wait until he felt the time was right.

     "You see, I know it's kinda weird." Kirishima chirped happily, leaving him a bit dumbfounded and shifted uncomfortably on the couch. "I guess it's just my way of showing I'm more comfortable with you. No need to over analyze it, it'll only wear you out." Kirishima said, resuming back to the movie as he decided he'd back off just a bit and just let his body relax next to him. "If it gets too weird just push me off the couch." He laughed and he noticed how Bakugou turned away.

Kirishima almost forgot to breath as toxic thoughts started to fill his head again.

So he began to back off. He stopped walking so close to him, he sat on the floor instead on the bed as they played video games, he sat near the other end of the couch away from Bakugou, just backed off entirely.

A few weeks later, while they were walking to school, he couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to know how Katsuki felt about him. He wanted to tell—no— shout in Katsuki's stupidly beautiful face how much he loved him at the top of his lungs. He wanted to litter Katsuki with kisses and hold him close and fall asleep in each other's arms. He wanted to just touch him without it being weird, to hold his hand and to lean on him.

But he knew there was a chance to ruin his friendship with him. He knew it was possible for Bakugou to like him back because he told Eijirou himself he was bisexual, but there was also a possibility to only see Eijirou as a friend and have a crush on someone else that wasn't him.

     Kirishima made a beeline to the bathroom, saying that it'd be a minute and Bakugou insulted him before going to class.

     He texted Kaminari and no more than two minutes later he was panting as he closed the door and locked it behind them.

     "What is it? What's the emergency?" he asked, catching his breath. He cringed. He must've sprinted.

     "You didn't have to run so hard man," Kirishima pouted while Kaminari shook his head.

     "No no, it's okay, I'm an idiot so it's natural for me to do stupid shit," he smiled brightly. "Now what happened? Does it have to do with Bakugou? Did he hurt you in some way?! I'll beat his ass—"

     Kirishima chuckled while shaking his head. "It is about Katsuki but uh..." he looked down. "I don't think I around him today."

     "This is odd, you barely separate for more than 5 minutes," Kaminari deadpanned. There was a second of silence before Kaminari gasped. "Omg, it's because of your crush!"

     "Yeah, you can say that. I mean, it's kind of...hurting me to not just...admit but I don't wanna ruin our friendship. I dunno what I'd do if he didn't wanna be my friend anymore." Kirishima looked down with a sad smile. "If I have to suppress these feelings to keep our friendship I will but I just don't wanna go through that right now."

     "You shouldn't bury these feelings because they'll only destroy you in the end. Believe me," Kaminari scratched his head as the redhead sighed, knowing what he was talking about.

     "I know, and I don't wanna waste your time but can we hang out today? Just so I can get a break?" Kirishima smiled sheepishly. Kaminari's eyes widened and he nodded enthusiastically.

     "Hell yeah! It's been forever since we had a bro fest!"

     "Oh shit I totally forgot about that!" Kirishima exclaimed, happy stars in his eyes. A warning bell rang and the two stealthily snuck out of the bathroom, talking about how they we're gonna do a lot of shit after school and maybe have a sleepover at Kami's.

     Kirishima could hardly contain his excitement. Sure he felt kind of guilty for leaving Katsuki alone but he wouldn't be able to contain his emotions and urges if he didn't have a break.

     The last bell of the day rang and Denki enthusiastically jumped out of his seat and over to Kirishima.

     "Man let's go! Come on!" Kaminari tugged his sleeve while Kirishima giggled.

     "Wait dude, lemme pack up." Katsuki looked over to him curiously but bored.

     "Going somewhere?" Bakugou asked.

     "Yeah, we're having our bro fest!" Kaminari chirped.

     "It's been a while since I've heard that term," Mina chuckled, making her way over with Sero.

     "What's a bro fest?" the raven haired boy asked.

     "It's a thing only Kami and Kiri get to participate in because it's their 'bro-bonding time'," Mina mocked, earning a pout from the two.

     "It sounds stupid," Katsuki grunted.

     "Hey! We do a lot of awesome crap!" Denki pouted, pointing accusingly.

     "We do tricks on the skate park, eat a lot of food, play video games, all sorts of challenges like arm wrestling and football and we build forts and stuff out of pillows. And when it gets really dark out, we play some manhunt," Kirishima said with a bright smile.

     "Yeah! And since it's warm out we can swim! Maybe at night too!" Kaminari exclaimed.

     "Let's not forget about the park where we go into the woods and climb trees!" Kirishima added, fist bumping the yellow haired boy.

     "Y'all are a bunch of idiots," Bakugou shook his head. Eijirou punched his arm offended.

     "No, you're just a buzzkill."

     "What'd you say?!" Katsuki glared and the redheads heart jumped in his throat and he turned around in an attempt to hide his pink face. Kaminari snickered at him.

     "Ah look at the time! We gotta run!" Kirishima grabbed Denki's wrist and booked it, embarrassment welling up in his gut.

"You've got it bad my friend," Kaminari mocked.

"Shut up I know!"


It was 7 in the morning when Eijirou arrived home with 0 hours of sleep and full of food. His whole body ached with bruises he received at the park, and from rough housing, and he smelt like chlorine from Kaminari's pool in which they ended up staying in for a full 2 hours.

He was absolutely exhausted. They ended up racing everywhere, playing games where Kaminari lost 6 out of 10, almost drowning, almost receiving concussions from being too reckless, lots of fun.

Kirishima took a shower, washing off pool chemicals before dressing himself in only boxers and falling flat on his bed face first.

He instantly fell asleep on top of his blankets.


Next chapter is gonna be sPiCy

Published January 24 2020
Edited December 17 2022

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