Chapter 11 : Is

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Kirishima began to acknowledge how weird he felt. Every time he'd look at Bakugou, he'd get a butterfly storm in his stomach. He smiled every time he looked at him, and he'd always had these weird urges when ever he was there and it started to freak him out.

One night, while Eijirou and Katsuki were hanging out, playing video games, Kirishima got that feeling again, that urge he couldn't explain even if he tried putting it into words.

He had to leave before he did something stupid.

So he yawned instinctively, but he drug it out, trying to emphasize he was exhausted even though he wasn't. Then he rubbed his eye as if he tried to get them to stay open. He repeated this a few times before Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Katsuki asked with an annoyed tone.

"Trying to keep myself awake," he murmured. It wasn't that hard to act tired. All he had to think about is something really boring and he'd go to sleep.

Bakugou scoffed as he paused the game, Kirishima whining even though he was grateful his plan worked.

"Go to bed dumbass." Katsuki got up and stretched. "I'll go make some—"

"No. I just want my bed," Eijirou interrupted, staggering up since his legs was a little sore. He knew it was weird to leave since he stayed over plenty of times but he just had to get away before he potentially loses his friendship with these weird, increasing urges.

"You know you can—"

"I know, but I don't wanna sleep on the floor tonight." Kirishima ran a hand through his hair. Katsuki raised a brow at him before nodding in understanding.

"Aight, I'll see you in the shitty morning then," Katsuki mumbled.

"Yeah, we'll finish the game tomorrow," Kirishima gave him a seemingly tired smile before he slumped out of the apartment into his own.

With a new found energy, he pricked his phone out of his pocket and went to the corner of the den farthest away from the wall he shared with Bakugou.

"Kiri? Why're you—"

"I've been feeling really weird. Like, around Katsuki. Is that normal?" he asked quietly and a bit anxious. There was a moment of silence before the girl spoke.

"What kind of weird feelings?"

"I dunno, like, urges. To be closer to him physically and like, holding his hand? Wanting stare at him for a creepy amount of time. Stuff like that. And I always get queasy and it feels like I could listen to his voice forever when he speaks. Is that normal for to feel towards my best friend?" There was a squeal on the other line after he finished. "Mina?"

"Kirishima Eijirou you are IN LOVE honey. That's not normal to feel towards friends! I was wondering when it'd happen!" Mina chirped.

Kirishima felt breathless for a second. He was in love with his best friend?

"I want you to meet me after school tomorrow okay? Then it should take an hour at most. Goodnight!"

Mina hung up, leaving him confused. He shrugged it off, going to his room and flopping on his bed. He snuggled up in the blankets and thought about what it would feel like if Katsuki was right next to him—

He shook the thought from his head and closed his eyes, thinking of something very boring like history or literature and he thanked the lords he managed to fall asleep.

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