Chapter 14 : You

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Kirishima woke up in his bed, but he didn't remember having a blanket over him. Did he move in his sleep cause he got cold? Or...

     He shook his head and pushed himself up, yawning and stretching his back and arms out of soreness.

     He threw on a hoodie and some sweats before walking into his bathroom, brushing his teeth and hair groggily.

     He did his normal routine, except his arms were too sore to fix his hair so he left it natural out of laziness.

     He went into the kitchen and saw Katsuki eating a sandwich on his counter. It took Kirishima to process what was happening just when Katsuki turned around, chuckling at Kirishima's confused state.

     "Holy shit you're alive?" Bakugou snickered, "I thought you'd be in a fucking coma from how long you slept."

     "How'd you get in? Did I not lock the door?" Kirishima asked a bit dazed, scratching his head as he flopped next to him.

     "You did, I just broke in," Katsuki deadpanned. Kirishima started for a moment before his head swiveled to the door.

     "Dude that's not—"

     "I'm kidding dummy. I used the spare key." Bakugou drank a few sips of water, Eijirou sighing in relief.

     "Why'd you come over?" Kirishima asked, picking up the other half of Katsuki's sandwich and chomping down on it. He prepared to receive a smack from him but Katsuki didn't even mind it.

     "Was fucking bored. My old hag and old man went out with Deku's mom on a business trip," Bakugou explained.

"And besides, I need to talk to you bout somethin'." Katsuki turned downcast which made Kirishima uneasy. "Are you avoiding me? Are you not.... comfortable with me anymore?"

Eijirou didn't know what to say, but he knew he needed to say something.


"I fucking knew it." Bakugou stood up, taking his dishes to the sink and cleaning them.


"Don't. I fucking gEt it," Bakugou's voice cracked which made Kirishima wince. He could hardly get the words out before he beelined to the door.

"Katsuki wait—"

"You can stop fucking pretending—"

"I'm not!" Kirishima grabbed his arm which made him freeze.

"Save it. I don't wanna be your shitty friend if you're gonna fucking lie to me," he muttered. Eijirou's heart shattered into pieces and he couldn't stop tears from spilling over.

"I'm nOt lYing...." he croaked, wiping his nose with his sleeve. Katsuki yanked his arm away and whipped around with angry tears rolling down his own face. This is first time he saw Katsuki cry like that and it almost corroded the tiny pieces that was left of his heart.

"Then tell me! Why the fuck were avoiding me?! Why the hell did you leave me for that stUpid pikAchu?!" Bakugou shouted.

That was when Kirishima snapped. He thought for a moment, silent as Katsuki's face scowled and his dark crimson eyes glared at him. Eijirou gritted his teeth and looked down, contemplating if he should tell him but he didn't trust his voice to speak.

"That's what I thought." Katsuki, hoisted his bag over his shoulder and he reached for the door knob, only to hesitate. "Fuck you."

He twisted the door knob and opened the door. Eijirou, instinctively, slammed the door shut with an immeasurable amount of strength.

"Let me leave. I don't wanna be near you."

"Bullshit. You didn't give me a chance to explain." Kirishima said coldly, Bakugou pushed him, but he didn't budge.

"Let me out! I don't wanna hear your shitty excus—"

"SHUT THE HELL UP AND LET ME EXPLAIN DAMNIT!" Eijirou screamed, making eye contact with a shocked expression. Irritated, he shook his head.

"Let. Me. Out." Bakugou warned, a stone cold glare penetrating Kirishima's soul. It was silent for a moment and, with very much and visible reluctance, he slumped back, opening the door.

"As you wish," he whispered weakly. Bakugou spat on his floor.

"Fucking piece of shit," Bakugou cursed at him. Anger welled up in himself as Katsuki stomped out of the apartment.

He shook with rage and he slammed the door Katsuki left open as hard as he could before stomping towards his room. He shoved some socks and shoes on and pulled his hair back.

He stuffed a change of clothes in his gym bag, grabbing his phone and keys before leaving.

He rode his new bike his mom bought him for Christmas, trying to keep focusing on his path.

He made it there quite quickly, checked in and went to the locker room. He hadn't been to the gym for a couple of months but he needed to relieve his anger and stress before he busted down Katsuki's door and demanded his time.

He wrapped his hands in a bandage and grips, not even bothering to pull on gloves.

He he punched. Harder and harder, remembering the fight, remembering his face and eyes and how they exposed how hurt he was. Remembering is harsh words that broke his heart piece by piece.

He hated him. If he wanted to be a brat and not listen to him then fine, better without him. He was a bully, unwilling to listen or care about others. A selfish loudmouthed brat that threw a tantrum every time he didn't get what he wanted. Stubborn and mean and awful with petty anger issues. He was ugly with his shitty eyes and his awful hair. Bakugou Katsuki was a horrible jealous person and Kirishima should've known. He shouldn'tve helped him and let him die in that bridge.

Eijirou rested his hand on the punching bag with wide eyes. He breathed heavily before standing up right.

He lied. Katsuki wasn't awful. Just tough skinned. He wasn't ugly, but rather too beautiful for his own good. He wasn't a bully and always knew what was right. He was smart and funny and sweet in his own way. He cared for Kirishima when he was sick and helped him through his shit. He'd get annoyed when he didn't get something but didn't dwell on it.

Kirishima didn't hate him at all, he was just so angry and heartbroken because he loved him so much.

Eijirou took a shower in the gym, changing into his clothes and riding home.

It was late, he could almost trace the constellations.

He locked his bike and went back into his apartment, mentally readying himself for what he was about to do.

Eijirou already missed him even though he was just next door.

He washed his face and got presentable enough to face him.

Then he took a deep breath, hesitantly knocking.

Just as he hoped yet dreaded, Katsuki answered the door.

"Go away."

"No. Please," Kirishima looked at him with pleading eyes. "I-I know you hate me now but," he looked down, "please. Let me explain then I'll leave you alone like you want. Promise." Kririshima clasped his hands together as he squeezed his eyes shut.

'This is so stupid. He doesn't wanna have anything to do with me anymore.'

"Fine." Bakugou opened the door and walked inside, his way of inviting the shocked Kirishima inside who quickly followed after him. "You have five minutes. Then you get the fuck out of my life."

Kirishima frowned but nodded, taking a deep breath.

"Well, Uh..."



Published January 25 2020
Edited December 17 2022

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