Chapter 10 : Life

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Eijirou felt his heart swell with some sort of security as Bakugou stared into his eyes. Despite his rude attitude, he was caring at heart.

Eijirou let more tears spill over his cheeks as he wrapped his arms around the his thin waist. Katsuki yelped, but reciprocated the action after a minute, tapping rhythms on his back.

"Tha-Thank you, Bakugou..."

"Katsuki. Call me Katsuki."


"Hey! Wait up!" Sero called from behind the squad.

"Oh, hey Sero! Do you wanna join us?" Kaminari asked. Kirishima noticed the light shade of pink on his cheeks and laughed.

"Of course!" he chirped as Mina and Kaminari lit up like lanterns.

They made their way back to the apartment, talking about anything and everything while Bakugou threw insults left and right.

They lounged for awhile, playing video games, eating unhealthy snacks, rough housing, you know, normal teenage sleepover stuff.

It was around 10 pm when Mina proposed they play a game.

"Truth or dare!" she chirped, making Kirishima and Bakugou and Kaminari groan.

"No! Last time we played that we almost got arrested!" Kaminari whined, the other two nodding while Sero raised a brow.

"What happened last time?" he asked.

"Shoplift as much shit you can find without getting caught," Bakugou snarled.

Kirishima added, "Don't forget that time where she dared us to prank call 911."

"And that time where we vandalized a restaurant window and trespassed on private property," Kaminari said. Mina frowned at the three.

"Fine, never have I ever?" she questioned. The four nodded and they each held up ten fingers.

"Actually, how do you play?" Sero asked. The group gasped.

"If I say never have I ever done something you did you put a finger down and whoever has the most fingers at the end wins the game," Kaminari explained with a happy smile. Again, Kirishima noticed his ears turning red as he nodded in understanding.

"Okay, never have I ever..."

The game played out and the 5 grew closer as friends, making snarky remarks and mischievous looks to certain players.

It was only the fourteenth round where things took a turn.

"Okay, never have I ever kept important secrets from my friends."

Kirishima gulped and put a finger down. He was the only one to put a finger down. Everyone looked at him. As Bakugou chuckled.

"You just dug your own fucking grave, shitty hair," he remarked.

     "Well I can't just lie! That's against the rules!" he defended.

     Kirishima felt small under there gazes as Mina abandoned the whole game and crawled up in front of him with a concerned face.

"What is it? Why're you keeping it from us?" Mina asked curiously as Kaminari scooted next to her. Kirishima looked down with a smile.

     "Because I didn't want you to worry," Kirishima answered.

     Kaminari sat next to him, bringing his knees in. "Tell us, if you don't mind." Kirishima looked at Bakugou who gave him a slight nod and smiled.

     "Well, Uh, not all of those bruises and cuts back in middle school were caused by BMX crashes." He scratches his neck as Mina and Kaminari looked at each other. "I'd...get pummeled a lot and bullied by assholes."

     The two gasped and Mina furrowed her brows. "Why didn't you tell us!? I would've beat them up for you!"

     "Yeah man, that's not something you go through alone!" Kaminari scolded.

      "Woah, hold the fuck up!" Bakugou shouted as he glared at the redhead. "You didn't say they kicked your ass!"

"I thought that was a given," Kirishima chuckled. But he continued to seethe.

"Give me their full names, addresses, school pictures and phone numbers right the fuck now," Bakugou stood up and rolled up his sleeve. "Imma bout to go to a state prison."

"Katsuki calm down—"

"I will not calm down until those bastards get what they'd deserve. Hell."

"You told Bakugou but not us!?"

"He backed me into a corner—"

"Bullshit. You started spewing nonsense and I—wait never mind. Whatever."

"See!" Kirishima flung a hand towards him.

"Guys, bro's, my crew," Sero shouted gaining everyone's attention. "Let's calm down. There's no need to get in a fuss over something that happened in the past. Kirishima, have you moved on?" Sero asked gently. Eijirou thought about it.

"The bullying? Yes."

"No, I mean emotionally," he corrected. Everyone looked at the boy.

"I'm trying my best. I still feel as though I'm...I'm putting a burden on everyone's shoulders of I talk about my shit."

"There's the importance," Sero said, sitting back down. "The important secret wasn't the bullying, it's his state of mind. The way he feels and thinks. He's trying to move on from trauma. It wouldn't help to get revenge when he's already made up his mind to turn it into a lesson."

"What're you, a fucking psychologist?" Katsuki asked in which Sero shrugged.

"That's what I'm taking right now so I guess you could say that," he smiled cheekily.

"Kiri, you're not putting a burden on us. Actually, you lift the burden of worrying and after we deal with that it disappears. Don't be afraid to let us help. It's not healthy to hold onto things like that," Mina said grabbing his hand like a mother would. Kirishima smiled brightly.

"I won't. I learned my lesson." His eyes flickered to Bakugou before turning to Kaminari. "Now, I'm hungry. Let's eat something sweet."


Published January 22 2020
Edited December 17 2022

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