Chapter 12 : Meaningless

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Kirishima was being crushed more and more by the feelings and urges he kept feeling. He once had to cancel plans because he couldn't stand it and locked himself in his apartment. Katsuki quickly caught on and confronted him about it multiple times.

But Kirishima brushed it off, always subtly changing the subject. Even if Katsuki would not fall for it, Kirishima continued to ramble until Bakugou gave in and dropped it.

Classes were at a hold because, well, it was spring break. The sun gave warmth back to the earth and blooming flowers.

But that didn't mean some hearts couldn't turn cold.

Kirishima and Bakugou were walking back to their apartment like normal, it was a routine. Anything other than that wasn't normal.

"Ohohoho! Look who it is!" A voice called behind. The two looked back to find a group of guys, about 3 or 4.

"What the hell do you fuckers want?" Katsuki said cooly while Kirishima froze in place.

"Oh man, is that THE Shittyshima?" said one of the guys as he offensively peered at him with golden eyes.

"It's IS? What the hell happened to your boring hair? It looks like you tried to make it cool," said another with soulless black eyes.

Kirishima furrowed his brows.

"Leave me alone assholes," he snapped, glaring at them. Katsuki stepped back, he knew what was coming.

"Oh, bold now are we? You were so innocent I thought you couldn't say a curse word." He looked at Bakugou up and down. "Is this another poor soul you're trying to fuck? Shitty slut."

"Watch your mouth you bitch. He's my best friend." Kirishima defended and Bakugou grabbed his bicep, wordlessly warning him not to let it get to his head.

"Hahaha! You think we're lying?! How about that nerd you kissed in 7th grade?! What was his name? Diago?" one commented.

"Tiago, and he's not a nerd! And I didn't kiss him on my own accord!" Kirishima pointed accusingly. "You blackmailed him—"

"Now who's the one who's lying?"

"Eijirou. Let it go, they're not worth it." Katsuki warned with semi pleading eyes. Kirishima looked at him surprised.

"Wow, your boyfriend's really smart! Would you mind telling him that time you broke a girls heart that made her kill herself? Or about that time you about jumped off the building? Or that time—"

"Enough!" Kirishima shouted, seething with rage. "Rion didn't kill herself she drowned because of a rip current! And you held me by the collar of my shirt off that building! The only reason you didn't let me fall because you KNEW you were gonna be charged with murder if you did you pussy!" Kirishima shouted slamming his bag on the ground and rolling up his sleeve. Katsuki took a step back and did the same.

"Oh, you wanna fight now?! What about the other times I beat your ass?! Forgot I'm in jujit—"

Kirishima punched him in the jaw, making him stumble out of impact.

"Don't EVER come near me AGAIN!" Kirishima kneed him in the balls. Satisfied, he watched as Katsuki kicked a group member in the stomach while the other ones ran away.

"We make a pretty good team," Kirishima smiled, picking up his bag, Katsuki doing the same.

"I guess," he shrugged. Kirishima smiled as they walked back to the apartment. Kirishima opened the door to his own apartment since Katsuki's parents weren't home.

"Shitty hair you're bleeding," Katsuki said as the redhead reached for the doorknob. Kirishima studied his hands for a moment before smiling at him.

"I've had worse."

"It's gonna get fucking infected. Jeez, how hard did you punch that loud bitch?" Bakugou chuckled, throwing down his bag and flopping on the couch.

"As hard as I could with the poor aim I had," he giggled, taking off of his jacket.

They took turns taking showers and after, they ate, Katsuki cooking of course.

As if he just realized what he forgotten, Katsuki pulled Eijirou into the bathroom, treating his injured hand with one of the 10 first aid kits Kirishima stock piled just in case.

It wasn't awkward, but rather peaceful.

Then Eijirou got a weird feeling as he watched Katsuki's face. He looked so focused and his touch was so gentle in contrast of his personality.

He noticed every detail he admired repeatedly over the year. His chubby cheeks and soft angler jaw line. His smooth skin with slight acne that was barely visible near his hairline. The orangey red that mingled with dark crimson irises. His perfect thin lips. His soft spiky platinum blond hair.

Kirishima closed his eyes, savoring the soft brushes of Katsuki's calloused fingers while also trying to banish the butterflies.

"Done." Bakugou wiped his hands on his pants, making the redhead open his eyes. His voice, oh man, he could get lost in that voice forever.

They made their way to the couch in the living room, and put on a movie.

     Halfway through the movie however, Eijirou caved into one of his urges since he was really tired to fight it.

He leaned on Katsuki's shoulder like it was a normal thing. Bakugou seemed to tense up at the action, almost as if he were debating on pushing him off or just letting him stay there.

     Gradually, as the movie progressed, Katsuki relaxed and even leaned his own head on Eijirou. He felt his heart flutter at the sweet moment. He was almost tempted, almost tempted to confess right then and there. What was stopping him?

     Well, that would be sleep.


I had a bit of a block but got through it and I like how this ties into everything so ^^

Published January 23 2020
Edited December 17 2022

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