Beaver's Home

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Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Ah, blimey! Looks like the old girl has got the kettle on. Nice cup o' Rosy Lee," Mr. Beaver says as they stop on top of a hill overlooking his home.

"It's lovely," Elizabeth compliments.

"It's merely a trifle. Still plenty to do. Ain't quite finished it yet. It'll look the business when it is, though," Mr. Beaver explains as he starts to lead them down the hill.

"Beaver, is that you?" A female voice asks as they get close to the home. "I've been worried sick! If I find you've been out with Badger again, I... Oh!" Mrs. Beaver stops talking as she sees the Pevensies behind Mr. Beaver. "Well, those aren't badgers. Oh, I never thought I'd live to see this day. Look at my fur. You couldn't give me ten minutes warning?"

"I'd have given a week if I thought it would've helped," Mr. Beaver tells her causing Susan, Elizabeth, and Lucy to giggle.

"Oh, come inside, and we'll see if we can't get you some food, and some civilized company," Mrs. Beaver says causing Mr. Beaver to chuckle.

"Now, careful. Watch your step," Mr. Beaver says before leading the way inside.

"Isn't there anything we can do to help Tumnus?" Peter asks after they had gotten settled in around the table, except for Edmund, who stayed near the door.

"They'll have taken him to the Witch's. You know what they say. There's few that go through them gates that come out again," Mr. Beaver explains causing Lucy to frown.

"Fish 'n' chips?" Mrs. Beaver asks to interrupt him.

"But there is hope, dear. Lots of hope," Mrs. Beaver tells Lucy causing Mr. Beaver to choke on his drink.

"Oh, yeah, there's a right bit more than hope! Aslan is on the move," Mr. Beaver tells them excitedly.

"Who's Aslan?" Edmund asks as he walks over to the table.

"Who's Aslan?" Mr. Beaver repeats as he laughs. "You cheeky little blighter." Mrs. Beaver notices the Pevensies' confused faces before nudging Mr. Beaver. "What? You don't know, do you?"

"We haven't exactly been here long," Elizabeth answers him.

"Well, he's only the king of the whole wood. The top geezer. The real King of Narnia," Mr. Beaver explains.

"He's been away for a long while," Mrs. Beaver adds.

"But he's just got back! And he's waitin' for you near the Stone Table!" Mr. Beaver says excitedly.

"He's waiting for us?" Lucy asks confused.

"You're bloomin' joking! They don't even know about the prophecy!" Mr. Beaver says.

"Well, then..." Mrs. Beaver says as she motions for him to tell them.

"Look. Aslan's return, Tumnus' arrest, the secret police, it's all happening because of you!" Mr. Beaver tells them.

"You're blaming us?" Susan asks him, offended.

"No! Not blaming. Thanking you," Mrs. Beaver answers her.

"There's a prophecy," Mr. Beaver tells them. "'When Adam's flesh and Adam's bone sits at Cair Paravel in throne, the evil time will be over and done'."

"That doesn't really rhyme," Susan says causing Elizabeth to slightly roll her eyes.

"I know it don't. You're kinda missin' the point!" Mr. Beaver says annoyed.

"It has long been foretold that two Sons of Adam and three Daughters of Eve will defeat the White Witch and restore peace to Narnia," Mrs. Beaver explains causing Elizabeth to smile, while Susan and Peter look at each other worried.

"And you think we're the ones?" Peter asks.

"You'd better be, 'cause Aslan's already fitted out your army," Mr. Beaver answers him.

"Our army?" Elizabeth and Lucy ask at the same time.

"Mum sent us away so we wouldn't get caught up in a war," Susan says as she looks at Peter and Elizabeth.

"I think you've made a mistake. We're not heroes," Peter tells the beavers.

"We're from Finchley," Susan says causing the beavers to look at each other confused. "Thank you for your hospitality. But we really have to go."

"No, you can't just leave!" Mr. Beaver says as Susan and Peter stand up.

"He's right. We have to help Mr. Tumnus," Lucy tells them.

"It's out of our hands," Peter tells her. "I'm sorry, but it's time the five of us were getting home. Ed?" They turn to find Edmund gone. "Ed?"

"I'm gonna kill him," Elizabeth says as she stands beside Peter.

"You may not have to," Mr. Beaver says causing them to look at him. "Has Edmund ever been to Narnia before?"

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