Aslan's How

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Elizabeth is walking with Lucy, just behind Trumpkin, Trufflehunter, and Nikabrik.

"So? What are they like?" Trufflehunter questions Trumpkin.

"Malcontents, complainers, stubborn as mules in the morning," Trumpkin answers him.

"Oh. So you like them then?" Nikabrik asks him.

"Well enough," Trumpkin answers causing Elizabeth and Lucy to share a smile. Caspian stops at the edge of the woods, so the Pevensies can catch up to see the How. Elizabeth lets out a gasp at how magnificent it is. As Lucy, Peter, Caspian, Elizabeth, Susan, and Edmund lead the way to the How, the centaurs gather on both sides of the entryway and raise their swords causing Lucy, Peter, Caspian, Elizabeth, Susan, and Edmund to stop. Lucy, Peter, Elizabeth, Susan, and Edmund continue forward with their heads held high in confidence. Noticing Caspian not beside her, Elizabeth glances back at him with a smile before Caspian slowly trails behind them. They walk into the How and the Pevensies look around at the Narnians working on weapons.

"It may not be what you are used to, but it is defensible," Caspian says as Elizabeth wonders around.

"Peter. You may want to see this," Elizabeth says as she stands at the entrance to the tunnel that leads to the stone table. "It's us." The Pevensies look around at the engravings on the walls. It was the story of their adventure in Narnia.

"What is this place?" Lucy asks.

"You don't know?" Caspian asks as he looks at them shocked. Caspian grabs a torch from the wall before they journey deeper into the tunnel. As they enter the room, Caspian lights each side of the room. The fire meets underneath an engraving of Aslan. The room is fully lit and the cracked stone table can be seen. The Pevensies all look at one another. Lucy walks up to the stone table before turning around.

"He must know what he's doing," Lucy says talking about Aslan which makes Elizabeth smile.

"I think it's up to us now," Peter says causing Elizabeth to frown. A faun that was on guard comes into the How and says that he saw a Telmarine. They all meet in the room with the stone table.

"It's only a matter of time. Miraz's men and war machines are on their way. That means those same men aren't protecting his castle," Peter explains.

"What do you propose we do, your Majesty?" Reepicheep asks.

"We need to get ready for it," Caspian says at the same time Peter says, "To start planning for..." Elizabeth has to fight back a giggle at her brother's fight for power. Peter sends Caspian a slight glare and Caspian backs down.

"Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us," Peter says.

"That's crazy. No one has taken that castle," Caspian states.

"There's always a first time," Peter retorts.

"We'll have the element of surprise," Trumpkin adds agreeing with Peter.

"But we have the advantage here!" Caspian argues.

"If we dig in, we could probably hold them off indefinitely," Elizabeth explains as she stands next to Caspian. Peter looks at his sister with a glare as Caspian looks at her shocked.

"I, for one, feel safer underground," Trufflehunter agrees.

"Look. I appreciate what you've done here, but this isn't a fortress. It's a tomb," Peter states causing Elizabeth to roll her eyes.

"Yes. And if they're smart, the Telmarines will just wait and starve us out," Edmund says agreeing with Peter.

"We could collect nuts!" A squirrel suggests.

"Yes! And throw them at the Telmarines. Shut up!" Reepicheep says rudely before turning to Peter. "I think you know where I stand, sire."

"If I get your troops in, can you handle the guards?" Peter asks as he turns to Glenstorm, who looks at Caspian to see if he will argue before answering.

"Or die trying, my liege," Glenstorm answers as he bows his head.

"That's what I'm worried about," Lucy says causing everyone to look at her.

"Sorry?" Peter asks as if Lucy shouldn't be saying anything at all.

"You're all acting like there are only two options. Dying here, or dying there," Lucy answers as Elizabeth nods her head agreeing with her as does Susan.

"She's right," Elizabeth says but is ignored.

"I'm not sure you've been listening," Peter tells Lucy.

"No, you're not listening," Lucy argues back. "Or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch, Peter?"

"I think we've waited for Aslan long enough," Peter answers before turning to leave the room.

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