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Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

As a prince lays asleep in his bed, his uncle and his wife give birth to a baby boy. This leaving the prince's life in danger, for his Uncle wants the throne.

"Five more minutes," The Prince says as he is shaken awake by his professor.

"You won't be watching the stars tonight, my prince. Come, we must hurry!" His professor urges.

"Professor, what's going on?" The Prince asks as he follows his professor.

"Your aunt has given a son," His professor answers as he opens a secret passage way. "Come." The Prince closes the door, while leaving a crack, watching as ten soldiers enter the room before launching arrows into his bed. The prince and his professor quickly make their way through the armory, where the prince grabs armor and a sword before they head to the stables.

"You must make through the woods," His professor orders as the prince mounts his horse.

"The woods?" The Prince asks confused.

"They won't follow you there," His professor answers before pulling out two wrapped objects. "It has taken me many years to find these. Don't use them except that is necessary."

"Will I ever see you again?" The Prince asks him.

"I dearly hope so, my prince. There is so much more that I want to tell you. Everything you know, is about to change," His professor answers him.

"Close the draw bridge," A guard yells.

"Now go!" His professor orders before the prince takes off into the night. As he leaves the palace, the guards begin to chase him. While the prince is riding through the woods, he looks back to see if the guards are still behind him before he turns around running into a branch, causing him to fall off his horse. The prince's foot stays hooked in the stirrup as the horse continues to run. The prince is dragged through the woods before he gets his foot out of the stirrup. The prince lays on the ground catching his breath before a tiny door is opened from the bottom of a tree. Two dwarfs exit the house causing the prince to back away.

"He's seen us!" The dark haired dwarf says. The light haired dwarf charges toward him before noticing the horn and whistle on the ground in front of the prince. The horn and whistle had belonged to the queens of old.

"Take care of him," The light haired dwarf orders as the soldiers are seen heading that way. The light haired dwarf takes off towards the soldiers. The prince takes the chance to grab the whistle, since it was closer, before blowing it.

"No!" The dark haired dwarf yells before knocking the prince out.

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