The Blue Star

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Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

"The wind has left us," Drinian explains as the ship barely moves.

"So how do we get to Ramandu's Island now then?" Edmund asks.

"My guess is something doesn't want us to get there," Drinian answers him as he walks away. The ship jerks causing Caspian to pull Elizabeth to him as they try to stay standing.

"What did we hit?" Caspian asks as Edmund helps Drinian up.

"Eustace, that's brilliant," Edmund says as they look to see that Eustace is pulling the ship.

"Onward, ho!" Reepicheep says as the crew cheers.

A few hours later and Eustace pulls the ship up beside an luscious green island.

"You got us there! What did I tell you, Eustace? Extraordinary! Ha-ha-ha! Extraordinary!" Reepicheep cheers before everyone goes ashore. Edmund leads the way to the top where there is a table filled with food.

"Mmm. Food," Travos says as he goes to grab some.

"Wait," Drinian orders him. At the end of the table is sitting three men covered in vines.

"Lord Revilian. Lord Mavramorn. Lord Argoz," Caspian names as he looks at their rings.

"He's breathing," Lucy says as she had moved some hair out of one of their faces.

"So are they. They're under a spell," Elizabeth says as she looks at the other men.

"It's the food!" Caspian yells causing Travos to quickly drop an apple.

"Hey. It's the stone knife. This is Aslan's table," Edmund says as he points out the knife.

"Their swords. On the table," Caspian says as he quickly grabs one of their swords. Lucy and Elizabeth quickly grab the other swords before they lay them on the table.

"That's six. Still missing one," Elizabeth says as she counts the swords. The six swords start to glow blue.

"Look!" Lucy says as a ball of light descends from the sky before it turns into a woman.

"Travelers of Narnia welcome," The lady says causing the crew to bow to her. "Arise. Are you not hungry?"

"Who are you?" Edmund asks as he can't keep his eyes off of her.

"I'm Liliandil, daughter of Ramandu. I am your guide," Liliandil answers him.

"You're a star?" Elizabeth asks as she steps forward. As Caspian looks between Elizabeth and Liliandil, he knew that no one not even a star could compare to the beauty that is Elizabeth Pevensie.

"You are most beautiful," Edmund says as he stares at the star.

"If it is a distraction for you, I can change form," Liliandil suggests.

"No!" Edmund quickly says causing Elizabeth and Lucy to look at each other before rolling their eyes.

"Please. The food is for you. There is enough for all who are welcome at Aslan's table. Always. Help yourselves," Liliandil explains.

"Wait. What happened to them?" Elizabeth asks as she looks at the lords.

"These poor men were half-mad by the time they reached our shores. They were threatening violence upon each other. Violence is forbidden at the table of Aslan. So they were sent to sleep," Liliandil answers Elizabeth.

"Will they ever wake?" Lucy asks her.

"When all is put right," Liliandil answers. "Come... there is little time." Edmund, Lucy, Elizabeth, and Caspian follow after the star. "The magician, Coriakin, told you of Dark Island?"

"Yes," Caspian answers as they stand on a balcony looking out at said island.

"Before long, the evil will be unstoppable," Liliandil says.

"Coriakin said to break its spell, we lay the seven swords at Aslan's table," Elizabeth explains.

"He speaks the truth," Liliandil tells her.

"But we only found six. Do you know where the seventh is?" Edmund asks her.

"In there," Liliandil answers him as she points at the dark place. "You will need great courage. Now, waste no time."

"I hope we meet again," Edmund tells the star.

"Goodbye," Liliandil says with a smile before she returns to the sky.

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