I Win

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They leave the office before Lucy and Elizabeth start looking around.

"Where sky and water meet

Where the waves grow ever sweet

Doubt not, you Reepicheep

To find all that you seek

There is the Utter East

Doubt not..." Reepicheep sings as the girls come up behind him.

"That's pretty," Lucy says scaring Reepicheep.

"Oh! Thank you," Reepicheep says. "A dryad sung it to me when I was just a mouseling. I can't divine the meaning, but I've never forgotten the words."

"What do you think is past the Lone Islands, Reep?" Elizabeth asks as she looks out at the water.

"Well, I've been told the furthest east one can sail is to the end of the world. Aslan's country," Reepicheep answers her.

"Do you really believe there's such a place?" Lucy asks him.

"Well, we have nothing, if not belief," Reepicheep answers causing Elizabeth to smile.

"Do you think you could actually sail there?" Lucy asks another question.

"Well, there is only one way of finding that out. I can only hope I will one day earn the right to see it," Reepicheep explains. "Your Majesties." Lucy and Elizabeth look over the edge of the boat to find mermaids. Lucy and Elizabeth share a smile before one of the mermaids waves at them. Lucy waves back as Elizabeth turns to see Edmund and Caspian dueling with smiles on their faces. The crew cheering for them. They end with Caspian's sword to Edmund's throat and Edmund's sword to Caspian's chest.

"You've grown stronger, my friend," Caspian says as they lower their swords. The crew starts clapping. Elizabeth sends Lucy a smirk before she starts walking toward Caspian.

"Seems I have," Edmund says as he and Caspian shake hands.

"My turn," Elizabeth says with a smirk as she puts her hands on her hips looking at Caspian, who smiles at her. Edmund raises his hands in surrender as he backs away over to Lucy. Caspian waits for Elizabeth to unsheathe her sword. "What are you waiting for?" Caspian makes the first move. He keeps slashing at Elizabeth making the crew gasp every time she moves away at the last second. Elizabeth finally unsheathes her sword before parrying back which causes Caspian to back up until his back is up against the mast. Elizabeth knocks his sword to the side slightly before going in as if she was going to stab him in the throat. He moves to the side causing her sword to get stuck in the mast. Caspian quickly grabs Elizabeth, spinning her around before he holds his sword to her throat. Elizabeth could feel her knees grow weak from being so close to Caspian.

"I win," Caspian whispers in Elizabeth's ear which causes a shiver to run down her spine. Lucy and Edmund are looking at her shocked that she had lost before she smirks at them. Elizabeth then sends them a wink as she slides a dagger out. Elizabeth steps back onto Caspian's foot as she pushes his sword with her dagger shoving it away from her throat. Caspian stumbles back from her stepping on his foot, which gives her enough time to grab her sword.

"You thought it was over?" Elizabeth asks him with a smirk as she sheathes her dagger before they start to parry again. Elizabeth gets her sword in just the right spot and turns it quickly making Caspian let go of his sword as it flies into the air and into her hand. Elizabeth quickly crosses both swords and holds them to his throat. He looks at her in shock as she smirks. "I win." The crew starts cheering as Elizabeth turns to them before bowing.

"All right, back to work," Captain Drinian orders.

"Is there anything you're not good at?" Caspian asks as he stands beside Elizabeth.

"I haven't figured that out yet," Elizabeth answers him with a smirk before growing serious. "Caspian, do you think if we keep sailing to the end of the world we'll just tip off the edge?"

"Don't worry, Eliza, we're a long way from there," Caspian says before giving her hand a comforting squeeze. Elizabeth smiles at him before walking over to her siblings.

"I see you're still talking nonsense, the three of you," Eustace says as he comes from below deck.

"Are you feeling better?" Lucy asks him.

"Yes, no thanks to you. It's lucky I have an iron constitution," Eustace rudely answers.

"As effervescent as ever, I see. Find your sea legs?" Reepicheep says as he walks over.

"Never lost them. Simply dealing with the shock of things. Mother says I have an acute disposition, due to my intelligence," Eustace explains causing Elizabeth to roll her eyes.

"I don't think he has a cute anything," Reepicheep retorts causing Elizabeth to giggle.

"I'll have you all know, as soon as we find civilization. I'm contacting the British Consul. Have you all arrested for kidnapping," Eustace threatens before he walks into Caspian.

"Kidnapping, is it?" Caspian asks with an amused smile. "That's funny. I thought we saved your life."

"You held me against my will! In, what I must say, are the most unhygienic quarters. It's like a zoo down there!" Eustace explains.

"He's quite the complainer, isn't he?" Reepicheep asks causing Elizabeth to let out a sigh.

"He's just warming up," Elizabeth answers him.

"Land ho!" The crew member in the crows nest calls.

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