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"Are you sure you're 18?" The army recruiter asks Edmund, who is at the front of the line.

"Why, do I look older?" Edmund quips, trying not to get caught. The recruiter takes his paper.

"Alberta Scrubb?" The recruiter asks as he reads the name.

"That's a typographical error. It's supposed to be Albert A. Scrubb," Edmund explains.

"Edmund..." Lucy calls, getting his attention. "You're supposed to be helping me with the groceries." The recruiter hands Edmund his paper back.

"Better luck next time, eh, squirt?" The guy behind him says as Edmund walks away.

"Squirt! He barely had two years on me. I'm a king! I've fought wars and I've led armies," Edmund rants as they walk outside.

"Not in this world," Lucy tells him.

"Yeah, instead I'm stuck here, doing battle with Eustace Clarence Scrubb. If anyone so deserved a name," Edmund says as he places the box of groceries on the bike. Lucy hears a familiar giggle before looking to see a boy talking to her older sister. Lucy watches as her sister tucks a piece of hair behind her ear before Lucy copies her. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing," Lucy answers him quickly. Edmund looks to see his sister with yet another guy trying to get her time and attention.

"Elizabeth, lets go!" Edmund calls causing her to look over at her siblings with a thankful smile. Elizabeth bids the guy goodbye before rushing over to her siblings.

"Thanks, Ed. You are a lifesaver," Elizabeth tells him before they make the journey to their current home. When Peter and Susan went to live with their parents, Elizabeth had requested to stay with Edmund and Lucy.

"I'm home. Hello!" Lucy calls as they walk into their Aunt and Uncle's house. "Hello, Uncle Harold. I tried to find some carrots but all they had were turnips again. Shall I start making soup? Aunt Alberta's on her way home. Uncle Harold?" Their uncle continues to read the paper not even responding. Edmund sticks his tongue out at him causing Elizabeth to hold back a giggle.

"Father. Edmund's making faces at you," Eustace, their younger cousin, tattles before shooting a spit ball at Edmund.

"Why, you little..." Edmund says as he starts up the stairs.

"Father, he's gonna hit me!" Eustace calls causing Edmund to stop.

"Edmund, Elizabeth, look! It's from Susan," Lucy says as she holds up a letter.

"I do wish you were here with us. It's been such an adventure, but nothing like our times in Narnia. America is very exciting except we never see Father. He works so very hard. I was invited to the British Consul's tea party this week by a naval officer, who happens to be very handsome. I think he fancies me," Elizabeth starts reading the letter as they settle into her and Lucy's room. Elizabeth smiles in happiness that her sister had found someone. She instinctively reaches for the necklace that still hangs around her neck. "It seems the Germans have made the crossing difficult right now. Times are hard. Mother hopes you three won't mind another few months in Cambridge."

"Another few months? How will we survive?" Lucy questions as she and Edmund look at Elizabeth in shock.

"You two are lucky at least you've got your own room. I'm stuck with mullet mouth," Edmund says as he takes the letter from Elizabeth.

"Susan and Peter are the lucky ones. Off on adventures," Lucy says as she walks over to the mirror. Elizabeth walks over to the painting in the room as Edmund lays on her bed.

"Yeah, they're the eldest and we're the youngest. We don't matter as much," Edmund says in agreement.

"You know that's not true," Elizabeth tells Edmund.

"Do you think I look anything like Susan?" Lucy asks as she tucks her hair behind her ear like she had seen Elizabeth do.

"You look like my little sister. The beautiful and valiant Lucy Pevensie," Elizabeth answers her with a smile before looking back at the painting.

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