Battle Ready

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Susan caught up to Elizabeth and Peter, to bring the news that Miraz's army is there. The Pevensies quickly make their way to the ledge, where Caspian is waiting. Caspian and The Pevensies share worried looks before going back into the How to make a battle plan.

"Cakes and kettledrums. That's your next big plan?" Trumpkin asks Peter as if he wasn't serious. "Sending a little girl into the darkest parts of the forest? Alone!"

"It's our only chance," Peter answers him.

"And she won't be alone," Elizabeth adds from her spot beside Lucy.

"Haven't enough of us died already?" Trumpkin asks Lucy as he stands in front of her.

"Nikabrik was my friend too. But he lost hope," Trufflehunter says from his spot beside Edmund. "Queen Lucy and Queen Elizabeth have not. And neither have I."

"For Aslan," Reepicheep says as he unsheathes his sword.

"For Aslan!" A bear agrees.

"Then I'm going with you," Trumpkin tells Lucy.

"No. We need you here," Lucy argues.

"We have to hold them off until Lucy and Elizabeth get back," Peter explains in agreement with Lucy.

"If I may..." Caspian starts causing everyone to turn to him. Caspian looks at his professor, who slightly nods, before looking at Elizabeth, who gives him a small smile of encouragement. Caspian then stands in front of Peter. "Miraz may be a tyrant and a murderer but as king, he is subject to the traditions and expectations of his people. There is one in particular that may buy us some time."

Edmund, Glenstorm, and a giant make their way over to Miraz's camp to deliver the proposal.

"I, Peter, by the gift of Aslan, by election and by conquest. High King of Narnia, Lord of Cair Paravel and emperor of the Lone Islands, in order to prevent the abominable effusion of blood, do hereby challenge the usurper Miraz to single combat upon the field of battle. The fight shall be to the death. The reward shall be total surrender," Edmund reads off Peter's proposal.

"Tell me, Prince Edmund..." Miraz starts.

"King," Edmund corrects.

"Pardon me?" Miraz asks him.

"It's King Edmund, actually. Just 'King' though. Peter's the High King," Edmund explains leaving Miraz shocked. "I know. It's confusing."

"Why would we risk such a proposal when our armies could wipe you out by nightfall?" Miraz asks him.

"Haven't you already underestimated our numbers? I mean, only a week ago Narnians were extinct," Edmund responds.

"And so you will be again," Miraz tells him.

"Then you should have little to fear," Edmund retorts causing Miraz to laugh.

"This is not a question of bravery," Miraz tells him.

"So, you're bravely refusing to fight a swordsman half your age?" Edmund quips.

"I didn't say I refused," Miraz tells him with a glare.

"You have our support your majesty," One of the lords tell Miraz. "Whatever your decision."

"Sire, our military advantage alone provides the perfect excuse to avoid what might otherwise be..." Another lord starts explaining causing Miraz to grab his sword and stand up.

"I'm not avoiding anything!" Miraz tells him.

"I was merely pointing out that my lord is well within his rights to refuse," The lord responds.

"His majesty would never refuse," The General says as he looks at the lord. "He relishes the chance to show the people the courage of their new king."

"You," Miraz says as he points his sword at Edmund. "You should hope your brother's sword is sharper than his pen."

Caspian is helping Elizabeth and Lucy get ready for their journey, while the others keep Miraz's army distracted. Caspian hands Elizabeth her dagger causing her to smile at him.

"Destrier has always served me well. You are in good hands," Caspian tells Elizabeth as he makes sure the saddle is on tight enough.

"Or hooves," Lucy jokes, causing Elizabeth to smile as Caspian puts Elizabeth's foot in the stirrup.

"Good luck," Caspian says as he looks up at Elizabeth.

"Thanks," Elizabeth says as she looks away to hide her blush.

"Look," Caspian says as he pulls out Elizabeth's whistle. "Maybe it is time you had this back."

"Why don't you hold onto it. You might need to call me for a lift," Elizabeth tells him with a smirk before taking off into the tunnel.

"You might need to call me for a lift?" Lucy asks her sister in a teasing way.

"Oh, shut up," Elizabeth tells her while smiling as her cheeks burn red.

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