What Lucy And Elizabeth Saw

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Trumpkin and the Pevensies make it to Beruna, only to find Miraz's army building a bridge.

"Perhaps this wasn't the best way to come after all," Elizabeth whispers to Peter before they sneak away and head back to River Rush.

"So where exactly do you think you saw Aslan?" Peter asks as Lucy and Elizabeth are staring at the spot they had seen him.

"I wish you'd all stop trying to sound like grown-ups. I don't think we saw him, we did see him," Lucy answers.

"I am a grown-up," Trumpkin states causing Elizabeth to lightly smile.

"It was right over..." Lucy says as the ground caves beneath her and she screams.

"Lucy!" Elizabeth calls out and they run to her.

"...here," Lucy finishes from where she landed on a ledge. They are able to climb down the side of the cliff and cross the river to climb up the other side. It is nightfall by the time they reach the other side so they set up camp for the night.

"Lucy, Eliza, are you awake?" Susan asks before she sits up and Elizabeth turns to her sister. "Why do you think I didn't see Aslan?"

"You believe us?" Lucy asks as she also sits up.

"Well, we got across the gorge," Susan answers her.

"I don't know. Maybe you didn't really want to," Lucy explains.

"You both always knew we'd be coming back here, didn't you?" Susan asks as she looks between Elizabeth and Lucy.

"I hoped so. I mean we left our people. Honestly it feels like home," Elizabeth answers her.

"I finally just got used to the idea of being in England," Susan states as she lies back down.

"But you're happy to be here, aren't you?" Lucy asks her.

"While it lasts," Susan answers before going to sleep. Elizabeth lays back down and falls asleep.

Elizabeth wakes up the next morning to find everyone else asleep. Elizabeth feels magic pulling her into the woods, so she follows it. She watches as the trees come alive and a dryad floats past her. Elizabeth follows the dryad and another one shows up. The trees move to create a pathway that Elizabeth follows with a smile. Elizabeth feels the magic pull her and she runs around a boulder.

"Aslan!" Elizabeth calls as she sees the great lion. Elizabeth runs up to the great lion and gives him a hug. "I've missed you so much." Elizabeth takes a step back from Aslan. "You've grown."

"Every year that you grow so shall I," Aslan explains.

"Where have you been? Why haven't you come to help us?" Elizabeth questions him.

"Things never happen the same way twice, dear one," Aslan answers before she has a flash of a boy's face. From what Elizabeth could tell, he was handsome but why was she seeing him. A twig snaps and Elizabeth truly wakes up from the dream that she was having.

"Susan! Eliza! Wake up!" Lucy whispers to Susan and Elizabeth.

"Certainly, Lu. Whatever you like," Susan says in her sleep as she rolls over.

"What is it, Lu?" Elizabeth asks as she sits up. Lucy and Elizabeth hear another twig snap so they get up to go check it out. As Elizabeth follows Lucy, she realizes that it is the same way that she went in her dream.

"Wake up," Lucy tells a tree as she stops to touch it. Elizabeth doesn't notice Lucy walking away as she looks at the tree before Peter is beside her. They quickly follow after Lucy. "Aslan?" Lucy walks around a boulder before Peter grabs Lucy and covers her mouth, pulling her behind some bushes. Elizabeth and Peter peek around the bush to see a Minotaur. Peter not knowing that they were now on the Narnian side goes to sneak up on the Minotaur. Peter unsheathes his sword as Elizabeth holds Lucy close. All of a sudden another sword clangs into Peter's. Little did Caspian know, he had just entered a fight with a king of old. Peter hits Caspian in the face before attacking again. Caspian is able to knock Peter's sword from his hands. Caspian swings hard at Peter who ducks and Caspian's sword gets stuck in a tree. Peter goes to grab Caspian's sword while Caspian picks up Peter's sword. Elizabeth quickly unsheathes her sword as she leaves Lucy.

"No, stop!" Lucy calls out as Caspian heads towards Peter.

"Stay your blade," Elizabeth orders as she points her sword at Caspian's throat. Narnians start to appear around them in numbers that Elizabeth never could have imagined remained. She then looks over to the boy, whom her sword is pointed at. Elizabeth feels the air leave her as she sees the boy from her dream. Caspian looks over at the girl with her sword pointed at him, and can't believe that is the girl who had been plaguing his dreams.

"Prince Caspian?" Elizabeth asks as she slightly lowers her sword.

"Yes? And who are you?" Caspian asks her shocked.

"Elizabeth!" Susan shouts as she, Edmund, and Trumpkin come up behind Lucy.

"High Queen Elizabeth," Caspian says in shock as she sheathes her sword with a smirk. Caspian noticed the handle of her sword before looking at the one in his hand. "High King Peter."

"I believe you called," Peter quips.

"Well, yes, but I thought you'd be older," Caspian states.

"If you like, we could come back in a few years," Peter retorts.

"No. No, that's all right. You're just... You're not exactly what I expected," Caspian says as he looks between the siblings, ending in staring at Elizabeth.

"Neither are you," Edmund states as he looks over at a Minotaur confused.

"A common enemy unites even the oldest of foes," Trufflehunter says seeing the confusion.

"We have anxiously awaited your return, my liege. Our hearts and swords are at your service," Reepicheep says as he comes forward and unsheathes his sword.

"Oh, my gosh, he is so cute," Lucy says to Susan causing Elizabeth to smile.

"Who said that?" Reepicheep asks as he waves his sword around.

"Sorry," Lucy apologizes.

"Oh. Your Majesty, with the greatest respect, I do believe "courageous," "courteous," or "chivalrous" might more befit a knight of Narnia," Reepicheep explains.

"Well, at least we know some of you can handle a blade," Peter says.

"Yes, indeed. And I have recently put it to good use, securing weapons for your army, sire," Reepicheep says.

"Good. Because we're going to need every sword we can get," Peter says as he turns to Caspian.

"Well, then, you will probably be wanting yours back," Caspian says causing Elizabeth to smile as Peter grabs his sword.

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