Savage Places

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Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"They're so still," Elizabeth says as she and Lucy look up at the trees.

"They're trees what do you expect?" Trumpkin, The dwarf, asks.

"They used to dance," Lucy answers him.

"It wasn't long after you all left that the Telemarines came. Those who could, retreated to the woods. The trees retreated so deep into themselves that they haven't been heard from since," Trumpkin explains causing Elizabeth to look down in shame.

"I don't understand. How could Aslan have let this happen?" Lucy asks.

"Aslan? We thought he had abandoned us when you all did," Trumpkin answers causing Elizabeth to let out a sigh.

"We didn't mean to leave, you know?" Peter tells him.

"It makes no difference now does it," Trumpkin says.

"Get us to the Narnians and it will," Elizabeth says with a determined face.

They soon come to shore before gettting out of the boat. Elizabeth, Susan, Peter, and Edmund pull the boat on shore while Trumpkin anchors it.

"Hello there," Lucy says as she sees a bear, which stands up on two legs. "It's all right. We're friends."

"Don't move your majesty," Trumpkin says as the bear drops back down with a growl.

"Lucy!" Elizabeth yells as the bear starts running towards her. Lucy tries to run away but she ends up tripping. Elizabeth runs towards her sister as she unsheathes her sword.

"Shoot, Susan, shoot," Edmund yells as the bear gets near Lucy. The bear stands up ready to attack as an arrow flies by Elizabeth's head before embedding into the bear, killing it. Elizabeth reaches Lucy, pulling her into her arms before looking back to find that it was Trumpkin who shot the bear.

"Why wouldn't he stop?" Susan asks him.

"I suspect he was hungry," Trumpkin answers her. Elizabeth helps Lucy up as the others reach them.

"Thanks," Lucy tells Trumpkin.

"He was wild," Edmund states.

"I don't think he could talk at all," Peter adds.

"You get treated like a dumb animal long enough, that's what you become," Trumpkin explains. "You may find Narnia a more savage place than you remember."

Caspian walks through the woods as he hears Trufflehunter and Nikabrik, trying to secretly follow him.

"I can hear you," Caspian says as he turns to face them.

"I just think we should wait for the Kings and Queens," Trufflehunter says as he and Nikabrik come out of hiding before Caspian keeps walking. "Fine. Go then. See if the others will be as understanding."

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