The Final Battle

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Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

"Do not think. Do not let it know your fears or it will become them," Lord Rhoop orders everyone.

"Oh, no," Edmund says as he closes his eyes.

"Edmund, what did you just think of?" Lucy asks him panicked.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Edmund says before running to the edge of the ship. Something hits the ship causing everyone to be knocked off their feet. Caspian helps Elizabeth up before they look over the edge.

"Look! What is that?" Elizabeth asks as she points at something moving in the water.

"It's too late. It's too late!" Lord Rhoop says.

"It's gone under the boat!" A man yells.

"Gael!!" Lucy yells as she sees the girl on the other side of the boat. A sea serpent then emerges from the water on Gael's side of the boat. Elizabeth quickly runs over to Gael.

"Come here! Run!" Elizabeth orders Gael as she pushes the girl to Lucy before unsheathing her sword and standing in front of them protectively. Eustace flies back in before attacking the sea serpent. The sea serpent throws Eustace against a boulder before going to attack again but Eustace blows fire in the sea serpents face causing it to retreat underwater.

"Out, creature!" Lord Rhoop yells as he throws the sword.

"No! The sword! The sword!" Elizabeth yells before the sword embeds in Eustace's wing.

"Eustace!" Lucy yells. "No! Come back!"

"We're all doomed! Doomed!" Lord Rhoop yells as he makes his way towards the wheel. "Turn this ship about!"

"Stop him! Someone stop him!" Caspian yells before Drinian punches Lord Rhoop, knocking him out.

"Now, crew to your rowing positions. Oars at double speed!" Drinian orders.

"Aslan, please help us," Elizabeth and Lucy both send out a silent prayer. A little light shines in before a seagull flies in. Elizabeth takes it as a sign that Aslan is there with them somehow. They start to retreat but the sea serpent chases after them before wrapping itself around the ship.

"Gael, come on! This way! Now you must stay here until someone comes and gets you. Okay?" Lucy says as she pulls Gael into the cabin. Caspian quickly reaches Elizabeth's side at the wheel of the ship.

"Ed! Ed," Caspian calls getting the boy's attention. "We'll ram the serpent. Smash him on the rocks."

"Steer her to port. I'll keep it on the prow," Edmund tells him before getting into position. "Try and kill me! Come on! Come on, I'm here!"

"No!" Elizabeth and Lucy scream as the serpent bites into the prow.

"Edmund!" Caspian yells as Lucy notches an arrow in Sudan's bow.

"Archers, ready yourselves," Drinian orders from the deck.

"I'm still here!" Edmund yells at the serpent.

"Stay true," Elizabeth whispers as Lucy fires her arrow. The arrow hits the serpent in the eye. "Brace yourselves!" Caspian rams the serpent into the rock. The crew gathers themselves as the serpent splits in half to reveal millions of legs. Caspian quickly helps Edmund up. Elizabeth sees the serpent lock in on Edward.

"Move!" Elizabeth yells as she shoves Caspian and Edmund out of the way. The serpent attacks where the boys had been. Elizabeth quickly grabs a sword before chopping one of the legs off. She watches as the leg vanishes. "We can beat this."

"We have to get it closer," Edmund says as the serpent starts attacking the mast.

"All hands to the main deck," Drinian orders.

"Ready the harpoons. I want everybody up here!" Caspian orders as Edmund grabs a rope, using it to swing onto the rigging.

"Ready? Now! Pull its head down! Heave!" The crew launches harpoons at the serpent before they start to pull the serpent down. Elizabeth feels magic begin to spread through her sword before she quickly starts following after Edmund.

"Edmund. What are you trying to prove, Edmund? That you're a man?" The White Witch appears in the mist.

"Edmund! Do it!" Caspian yells causing Elizabeth to look at him worried as she quickly makes her way to her brother.

"I can make you that. I can make you my king. Just take my hand. Just give in." The White Witch says. The harpoon ropes starts to break free causing the crew to be slung.

"Do it! Come on!" Caspian yells as Elizabeth reaches Edmund.

"Edmund!" Elizabeth yells bringing Edmund back as their swords both glow blue. "Come on!" The sea serpent goes to attack Edmund and Elizabeth but Edmund quickly stabs the serpent in the roof of the mouth while Elizabeth stabs into the body slicing it open as she falls down to the deck of the ship. The serpent falls into the water as Edmund starts to make his way down from the mast. Elizabeth quickly gets up as she looks around for Caspian.

"The spell it's lifting," Lucy says as patches of light start to seep into the darkness. "Edmund! Elizabeth! Caspian! Look!"

"Caspian," Elizabeth says as she makes her way over to him.

"Elizabeth," Caspian says as she pulls him into a hug. "We did it!" Caspian spins her around before kissing her causing the crew to cheer.

"Look! Narnians! Narnians!" Lucy cheers as boats are spotted.

"Mummy!" Gael yells as she sees her mother.

"Helaine!" Rhince yells before he and Gael jump into the water and swim over to her. Elizabeth walks over to Edmund and Lucy giving them a hug knowing they all missed their mother too.

"Let's have them on board! Clear the decks," Caspian orders before walking over to the siblings.

"We did it. I knew we would," Lucy says as Caspian wraps an arm around Elizabeth's waist.

"It wasn't just us, though," Edmund says causing Elizabeth to smile.

"You mean..." Caspian starts to ask.

"Hey! Hey, I'm down here, Lucy. Over here! Hey, Lucy. I'm in the water. Lucy! Elizabeth!" Eustace calls from the other side of the ship.

"Eustace," Lucy says as they make their way to the other side.

"I'm a boy again. I'm a boy," Eustace cheers.

"Eustace! I see your wings have been clipped. Ha, ha!" Reepicheep says before jumping into the water with him. "Where sky and water meet

Where the waves grow ever sweet. It is sweet. It's sweet!" Reepicheep tastes the water. "Look! Look!" A big wave can be seen in the distance.

"Aslan's country. We must be close," Caspian says.

"Well, we've come this far," Edmund says causing Elizabeth to nod in agreement.

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