Introducting the Characters

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Solar POV

Solar:Do we have to live with your boyfriend? He's a pain in the ass.
Kim:Solar stop it. You'll love his house plus he also have daughter who is younger than you.
Solar:Thats fucking 14 (folds arms)I dont to hang around a teen.
Kim:Solar the girl is 22 your 23. Calm down and please lets go. Hes waiting for us with his daughter.
(At Ihop)
Park:Hey ladies. Hey babe.
Kim:Hey baby. Is your daughter here?
Park(points to Moonbyul):There she is.

 Is your daughter here?Park(points to Moonbyul):There she is

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This is Moonbyul. Parks daughter. She is a the most famous gay girl every. Girls drool all over her she always wearing something boyish.

Moonbyul:Hey dad. You found a table yet?
Park:You said you wanted to seat alone.
MB:I changed my mind. If you two get to lovey dovey I'm out. Deal.
Solar:Hey dont talk to them that way.
MB:So this is the daughter. Great. Now I have to share a room with this loud mouth.
Park:Moonbyul enough and let's go.
Kim:Lets go Solar.

We walked to a table by the window and I sat the table full of anger. Of course they got lovey dovey but then I saw my friend. Wheein and Hwasa.

Solar:Mom im going to my friend.
Kim:Solar no.
Solar:No im don't going to sit here.
Kim:Then take Moonbyul with you.
Moonsun:Ew! What! No! (Folds arms)
Solar:Im not sharing my friends with this girl.
MB:Ya asshole I have a name.
Solar:Ya dickface you didn't say mine you fucking ass wipe.
Kim:Girls stop please.
Park:Moonbyul go with her right now.
MB:Ugh! Fucking asshole.
(At Wheesa Table)
Solar:Wheein Hi.

(At Wheesa Table)Solar:Wheein Hi

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This is Wheein. My baby. She is my Wheepup. Wheein had a voice of an angel. She sweet but sour. Also she is taken by Hwasa. Wheein is also a nerd.

Wheein:Hey Solar how are you?
Solar: Im good. Wheres Hwasa?
Hwasa:Sorry I'm here.

 Wheres Hwasa?Hwasa:Sorry I'm here

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Now this is Hwasa. Shes the meanest and the total badass out the group. She even told us she can't even beat Moonbyul. Hwasa is know for her rapping and singing skills. Her girlfriend is Wheein and she will murder you if you look at Wheein a way she doesn't like.

 Her girlfriend is Wheein and she will murder you if you look at Wheein a way she doesn't like

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Then you have me. Im Solar. Im the leader and mother of our friendship. I have a boyfriend name Eric Nam. My father left us when I was only 3 years old but I been doing good with our him.

Wheein:Whos she?
Solar:Oh this is dickface.
MB:Really asshole?
Hwasa:Fuck off Moonbyul.
MB:Hwasa? Your friends with my old folks huh?
Solar:My mom is dating her father.
Wheein and Hwasa(Shocked):More lile becoming your stepfather.
MB:Is he proposing?
Solar:No fucking way.
Kim:Yes I'll marry you.
Moonsun(looks at each other):Oh no.
Solar:Now I have to waste more of my life with you.
MB:Oh shut up please your voice is to loud.
Solar(pushes Moonbyul):Go get lost.
Wheein:Yah Eonnie. Dont so that.
MB:Dont touch me again. (Wipes her clothes)I'm out.
Solar:Nobody wanted you here anyway. Fuck off(sits down)
MB(in her mind):I'll make you respect me loud mouth. (Leaves)

This my boyfriend Eric Nam. He's so fine and smart. He's model so I don't see him alot. We been dating for 3 years almost four.

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