Training Day 1

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Moonbyul POV
I woke up with a naked Solar on top of me. I blushed hard and wrapped my arms around her.

E.MB:Yah! Wake up you have to train today.
N.MB:Can't sleep all day plus you have new powers you need to test out. So does Solar. Now get out of bed.
MB:Give me a little time please?
N.MB:Fine you get 5 min-
MB:Yah!! 5 minutes. I need more than that.
Solar(sleepy):Babe who are you talking to?
N.MB:She doesn't know about us? That hurts.
E.MB:Should make a scar then?
MB:Remember when you guys was in my mind and you saw the evil and nice side of me?
MB:Thats who im talking to. But wr have to get up to train.
Solar(pouts):I want to sleep more.
MB:Baby we have to strong to kill Eric and his army.
Solar(sits up and looks at MB):If would've went slow like I asked I wouldn't be so tired would I?.
MB:You loved it so hush.

Solar and I started to kiss for a little then we put on some gym clothes. The others was waiting outside and Kyrstal and kobe was with us. We got into the van and took off to my gym. Once we arrived we got out and walked in. I turned on the lights and smiled. My evil and nice side really cleaned this place.

Kyrstal:The last time i was here the walls was black and Moonbyul and I F-
MB(chokes Kyrstal):Say another word and I'll fucking kill you.
Hwasa:Dont you think your being a little harsh on her?
MB:She lied cheated and tried to get Solar killed why would I go easy on her?
Solar:She has a point.
Wheein:Dont kill her.
Krystal:Its werid being here with you Moonbyul. Its just brings up that we did babe.
Solar(knocks Krystal out):Sorry should we practice now?
MB(blushes):Just watch us first then you practice with me. Hwasa and Wheein you up first. Solar just watch baby.

Solar POV
I watch as wooden Dummies acttack them. I though this is boring but then they turned real with real powers and my eyes was wide open. After they fought the dummies they was dodging bullets and powers. I smiled but then they started to fight each other. I frozed scared. I looled at Moonbyul who was watching also. I was about to walk up but they fused together which was weird. I smiled as they passed the practice and boy they was tired. If you could see all they had to do.

MB:Nayeon and Momo your up next.
Nayeon:Aishh really??? Okay..
MB:Impressed yet?
Solar:Not yet.
MB(smirks):we will see.

Once they walked out they was getting attack more in more. I watched but within a blink of in eye everyone was gone. Momo was on the roof saving people while Nayeon fought them off. It was so cool and amazing. Then Moonbyul walked up and gave this remote to Momo. Shes turned it up really really high. I looked at Moonbyul who took off her shirt and put on a blindfold. She sat in the middle of the ring and just stay there. Then she nodded and Momo turned it on. Everything attack Moonbyul at once. Once the smoke cleared Moonbyul was standing in the middle with head in her hand. She dropped the head and kept her eyes close. The voice was her dads erics and Kyrstals voice. She attack them within a second. When she opened her eyes they where red and blue. Once Eric ran to her to duck and grabbed them choking him but you can hear his skin boiling and ripping. I looked and saw her eyes glowing. Then it transition to that night Eric raped me. Moonbyul skin boiled and she grabbed him and his body frozed and broke. I watched with my mouth open seeing Moonbyul new powers. Then she pointed at me to come to her. I was scared but I walked to her.

MB:Amazed now?
Solar:Most definitely.
MB:Good now you have to train with me. Everyone lets train shall we.
Nayeon:Shouldn't see what Solar can do first other than heal?
MB:Your right. I must make sure shes ready for she hows you all her true power. its o..okay. I can try.
MB:Alright I'm going to sit down. Call me if you need anything okay?
Solar:Just go sit babe.

I sat down and looked a Solar who had her eyes close. She told me she wants the same level as me so I did what I was told. Solar closed her eyes and everything attacked her at once. I didn't see her body. When the smoke was clearing you can see a shield that she made and it explodes. My mouth dropped and my strap started poking. I covered it with my hand and I looked at her eyes. They where light blue. I bit my bottom lip as Solar was walking through fire and smoke. I blushed hard and kept watching. Solar finished practicing and everyone mouth dropped. The strap started to grow bigger which gave a bulge so I covered it with my jacket and Solar walked to me.

Solar:Impressed yet? (Winks)
MB:Most definitely.
Momo:Shes a shield. Thats what we need.
Wheein:But its base off her energy.
Hwasa:What if Moonbyul and Solar fused together like there enegry?
Nayeon:It would be unlimited enegry.
Solar(glances at Moonbyul pants then back at her face):She we practice Moonbyul-ssi?
MB:Um maybe in a little I have to handle something(runs in her office)
Nayeon:If I was you I'll go follow.
Hwasa:Lets practice shall we.

(Moonbyul office)
MB(slowly strokes the strap):Oh mmm. What am I doing? (Sits down in my seat and slowly jerks off). Oh fuck...
Solar:Am I interrupting something?
MB(jumps and cover):Oh no just thinking. So whats up?
Solar:Moonbyul stop hiding it please.

I looked at Solar who was walking to me. She climbed into my lap and started to slowly kiss me. I responded with a kiss back but now my strap was throbbing. I need to nut fast. Solar wrapped her hand around my strap and slowly started to stroke me slowly. I leaned my head back as Solar startee kissing my neck while stroking me. She just kept telling me let her do all the work. She slowly started kissed my lips going lower then my abs then to the strap. I felt her mouth slow suck on the tip. I leaned my head back and placed my hand on top of her head. Solar started to deep throat without gagging. Ugh it felt so good. I felt my cum ooze out into Solar mouth. I looked down at her and she swolled every last bit of it...

MB(Weak) what if you get-
Solar:Shhh daddy okay? Lets go train now.
MB:Kiss me please.
Solar:Babe we must go.
MB:Fine lets-

Solar kissed me and bit my lip once last time before pulling me out to train. I hold my fist up and Solar smirked. She ran towards me and she didn't even notice I grabbed her neck and we was against the wall. Of course she blushed hard but then she pushed me back. I smirked at her quick thinking. I stood back up and told her to strike me again. She did but then I tackled her down to the ground. Solar blushed again but then she realized that she wasn't thinking. I nodded and felt someone who I didnt like run to me. I grabbed the person and pinned them against the wall and my eyes went full red. The others couldn't see so they thought I was crazy. I punched the guy in the stomach which made him show.

MB:Who sent you???
Guy:Eric. You all are going down. He wanted to send you guys a message but I failed.
E.MB:Let me send a message back.

E.MB punched the guy but then punched through his chest and pulled out his heart. E.MB burned the heart and the body. There was no track of the guy anywhere. As E.MB was leaving Solar smirked and tackled E.MB to the ground which made Moonbyul come back and blushed.

Solar: I passed?
MB:Yes you did.
Solar:Do I get something?
MB(Whispers n smile):You already did.
Solar(laughs):I did didnt I?
Krystal:Can you two stop its making me sick???
Solar:Lets be like them?
MB:Yes please.

Solar and I started to kiss which made Krystal mad. Then I heard my gym door open. I looked and saw it was my best friend of all time Kim Woo-Jin(A made up person for this story)

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