Moonbyul Music Video/Prepare

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Wheein:Unnie wake up we have to prepare.
Moonbyul(Sleepy voice):I'm tired
Wheein(shocked at MB voice):Unnie she won't get up.(leaves)
Solar:Baby wake up
MB(Sleepy voice):Aniyo baby I'm tired. That music video was hard and long.
Solar:Im unlimited engery do you want some?
MB:Aniyo and no wonder why you last long.
Solar(Blushes hard):Baby just take some of mine okay.

I climed on the bed and hoverd over Moonbyul and slowly kissed her. Moon sat up and kissed me back gripping on my waist. Maube I gave her too much enegry. I pulled back blushing and she got dressed and rubs her eyes. We went in living room where everyone was.

Nayeon:Your finally up.
MM:Energy must've drained out.
MB(Fist bumbs Momo):...
Solar:No fist bumbs. Image if you fucked Nayeon and she was the same was... Nevermind forget it.
Wheein:I understand unnie haha.
Solar:Can we train now?
MB(calls Kobe):... Boy where are you??? KOBE?!?!?
Nayeon:Calm down hes with your mom.
MB:Aishh okay.
Hwasa:Shall we g-
Mom(Bust through the door with Kobe and locks it):There are guys with black sheets all over them is out side. Has it been a week already??
MB(points to kobe):Sniff boy.

Solar POV
Kobe started to sniff out the house and scratched on the door where Kyrstal was. I let my E.MB come out and open the door. And there he was in her room. The girls csme to the door but he closed it ans no powers could open it. I looled at Kyrstal who was knocked out cold. I let my evil side stay on guard.

E.MB:We finally meet General. You look pale.
Eric: Me. Look pale. Hahaha (coughs) it is a little hot.
E.MB:Let her go now.
Eric:You have want i want(coughs) and need... Give her to me.
E.MB(Transform into Solar while Eric wasnt looking):Im right here.
Eric(Puts Kyrstal down):Lets go Solar. You'll be come on my team forever.

I slept Eric take me to his hideout. I left a letter on the ground telling the girls where I'm going. Im sorry Solar...

Solar POV
We finally got the door open and once we did they was gone and Kyrstal was there on the floor knocked out. He look my love from my life. Hwasa and Wheein picked up the letter and Hwasa started to read it.

Hwasa:About time you read this I'll be far. I put a tracking device on me. I dress as Solar so he took me. I dont know how long he will figure out im not her. I dont have alot of enegry to fight him. Im sorry everyone... Wheein you are now the new leader of the group. I know im not going to survive. Im sorry everyone. I'm sorry Solar I can't give you what you want now... Let just finish this battle yeah? Fighting. (cries) we must go now.
Wheein:Lets go. Kobe transform.
Kobe:Lets go. He isn't far. I'll meet you at the place. Moonbyul isnt doing well. (Leaves)
Solar(holds back tears):What are we waiting for? The love of my life and the father of my baby is waiting for us. (Leaves)

We all dashed to Moonbyul location. Kobe was on the roof and hopped down. He told me Moonbyul was tied up in a chair every tightly with a blindfold on. I frozed. Kobe walked us in and I turned my shield on and we was attacked. We all stayed in my shield covering Moonbyul. She was beaten badly. I looked at you eyes and Moonbyul woke up and dash and killed eveyone then ran to Eric.

E.MB:You son of a bitch. DONT YOU EVER TOUCH MY FUCKING MOTHER AGAIN. (Starts to stab Eric ome by one)
Hwasa(Pulls MB back)Unnie. We turn him in.
E.MB/Kobe:Thats not him. (Kobe grabs the real Eric)
Wheein:Solar are you okay?
Solar(Hugs Moonbyul):I thought you was dead...
MB:I wouldve been (hugs back) Yah your sto-
Solar(pulls back from the hug):Let get him outta here. (Takes his powers). Lets go Moonbyul music video is coming out.
Eric(looks at MB):Shes going to kill your homie father and mother (laughs) and you left her at your home.
Momo(holding Kyrstal):Oh you mean her?
Eric(looks at Kyrstal):Aishh you stupid girl.
Krystal:I sent Somi bu-
Somi:Im here Im here
K(slaps her face):Aishh this girl.
Nayeon(grabs her):Lets take them in.

We went to the police and turned them in. We all with home and relaxed. I layed my head on Moonbyul and she was of course rubbing my ass while watching TV. Then she started to give me ass massage and it felt so good. The girls was with us while we was waiting for the music video to drop.

Hwasa:Unnie can we do a vlive.
Wheein:Yeah unnie please?
Solar:But you can't touch it.
Solar:Yah what with the smirk?
MB:Nothing. Yah let's go live.
Nayeon:321. Hi guys. How shall we do our intro?
Solar:You to first.
Momo(deeply stares at Nayeon)

Nayeon:Momo ah let do our into. Haha Dul Set
Namo:One in a million. Hello we are Namo. Nayeon and Momo.
Solar:Hana Dul Set
Mamamoo:I say Mama mama moo. Hello we are Mamamoo.
Solar:I'm Solar
Wheein:Wheein or Wheepup hehe UwU
Hwasa(hearts eyes):Hi I'm Hwasa.
Wheein: We went live because something is going to happen.
Solar:Ne. As you all know Moonbyul-ssi made a song.
Nayeon:Its about her covering up the sun.
Solar(friend but laugh):She keep saying the song is about me.
MB:It is. Its an eclipse.
Solar(stares at Moonbyul in a sexy way but with her eyes):...
MB(Stares back the same way):Unnie.. The song isn't about you.
Solar(bites her bottom):Then stop saying it.
Momo:Once ask question. (Holds Nayeon hand under the table)
Hwasa:Im so ready to see the music video.
MB:Ne. Me too. Your going to like it but Solar unnie.
Solar(whispers in MB):I'll like it. You cover me up anyway (pulls back and looks at the comments.
Momo(reading):Where Chaeyoung and Mina? Ahh they went home actually.
Nayeon:Ne. They also went to Mina family dinner. She still had anxiety so she home speaking time with family.
Wheein:Are they together?
Namo:Aniyo!! (Looks at them then the camera)
Solar(talking with Moonbyul):Yah!!! Why are you so greasy?
MB:Been like that since day one.
Hwasa:Guys its out now. Lets watch it

Solar:Hot like always.

Hwasa:Now i know why she be coming home tired and saying she covered the sun aka Solar unnie.
Solar:YAHHH stop saying that. It hurting my feelings.
Momo(looks at MB)
Momo and MB(laughs and fist bump then looks at Wheein then she laughs and fist bump too).
Wheein:Its our secret.
Nayeon:Ne. We should stop the live here.
(Ends live)
Nayeon:Boss that was good.
MB(starting at Solar):Thank you.
Momo:Wait Solar before we saved B-(Namyeon starts to kiss Momo while Hwasa kissed Wheein)
MB:Yah stop kissing and finished.
Nayeon:Not now boss maybe later?
Solar:Baby its okay. Its nothing bad I just dont know how your going to take it.
MB:Baby please tell me.
Solar:I'm... I'M.... I'm pregnant. For three days now.
MB:Unnie... Is it mine???
Solar:Ne. Your the only person I fuck almost everyday.
MB(blushes):Im happy to be a father baby.
MB:Ne. Why do you think other wise?
Solar:I think you wouldnt like me being pregnant.
MB(Lifts Solar up):Trust me baby. I want you to be pregnant with my child.
Solar(Blushing):Where are you taking me?
MB:To the room.
Hwasa:Can all of us fuck in our room too since we at our penthouse?
MB(Looks at Solar):Up to you baby girl.
Solar(bites her bottom lip):Yes daddy. Everyone can.

Everyone dashed to there room locking doors and playing music. Moonbyul put me on the bed and started kissing me. MB was being mindful and this time she went slow like I asked. Moonbyul was a blessing but the question is how will our parents act?

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