Moonbyul Injured

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Solar POV

All of us ran down to where Moonbyul was and she was injured badly.

MBDad: I know where to take her... I lied to her all these years.
Solar(pushes him):YOU LIED TO HER AFTER ALL THIS YEARS!?!?!?
MB Dad:Solar now its not the time.
Solar:Fuck you (holds Moonbyul close to her) Lets go

At XXX house

MB Dad:Hello anyone here?
MB Mother:Y. MOONBYUL!!! What did you do to my daughter? First to take...
Hwasa:No its not the time.(crying)
Wheein:Please help our leader..
Solar:P..please heal her.

I layed her and looked at her. Shes gone. Her hair is black and her body is pale. I touch her soft face and look at her body. Her shirt was ripped and her body was mostly scared and bleeding. Her arms was broken lile her legs was. Why Moonbyul why? Why dis you have to be so depressed? I was the cutting on her arms and legs. I just fell down crying so hard seeing her body like this. The girls comforted me. Moonbyul mother covered her body and held her hands over her. An hour later I was holding Moonbyul hand and I felt her hand softly grip my hand. I turned my head and looked but she was still. I looked down and heard the sheets pull off. Everyone looked at Moonbyul who was sitting up looking around then she looked at me. She got off the table and looked me.

MB:Unnie... I like you too.

And she pulled me to her and kissed me infront of her parents. I missed her back letting tears fall. am i back?
Momo:Your your mother?
MB:Shes dead... She killed herself guys. I told you all that. Shes dead.
Dad:I lied Moonbyul...
Mom:Moonbyul he took you from me... Im so so sorry.
MB(Hugs mom):Your alive. I knew it I fucking knew it.. I missed you so much... I thought if I fell and died I would be with you..
Mom(hugs back):Im so sorry hun. Your father lied. I was never dead. I caught him cheating and he took you from me.
Solar(lools at him with tears) my mom was a side chick to you?
Dad:Solar I-
Solar(crying):So you just played both of us huh. You son of a bitch. I should fucking kill you.
Nayeon(grabs him):Boss your call.
Solar(hugs and cries on Moonbyul):Keep him away from me.
MB:Dont kill him. Nayeon Momo go with my dad ans find Solar mother and makes sure he tells the truth then come back and crash here.
NaMo:Ne. (Leaves)
Wheein:Hey we are tired can we sleep in a room?
MB:Go down the hall and the door on the left. You can sleep there.
Wheesa:Thank you(leaves)
Mom:Are you hungry?
MB:No (hugs Solar)
Mom:So your gay now?
Solar(blushes hella hard):...
Mom:And your friend all of them gay too? Is this some gay power group.
Solar(laughs): Okay sorry...
Mom:I was just trying to make you smile. Solar right?
Mom:Im sorry about this. Im sorry your deeply hurt. I promise everything will be fine. But honey you need to rest your not fully healed okay.
MB(lays om the couch):Okay mom
Mom:Let fix dinner later on. Im going to sleep (leaves)
Solar:Hehe. We are always left alone. Are you okay?
MB:I feel the pain now. How did I fall?
Solar(sits next to Moonbyul):You slipped... And died Moonbyul... I dont have enough to heal your full body.
MB:Its okay babe.
Solar:You don't want to go in your room?
MB:Help me there.
(Moonbyul room)
MB:So why did you-

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