Drunk Solar In Hawaii

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At the private penthouse

Nayeon:Momo Yah,this is a romantic place huh?
Momo:Ne. We should go to the club.
MB:Now your talking. I need me a bae. (Glances at Solar then the girls)
Hwasa(Massaging Wheein shoulders):We are in. I dont think solar is coming. She looks pale.
MB(Walks to Solar):Whats wrong?
Solar(doesn't turn around and wipe her tears):Nothing Moonbyul. Stop being nice to me okay.
MB:What if im doing this just cause Solar?I'm protecting you because I want to. Nobody is-
Solar:I dont need protecting. I never had it so why should I now? Nobody gives a dam about me until something happens to me.
MB(turns solar around to make them look at each other):Listen. Im doing this beacuse I have this urge of protecting you Solar. Im doing this for me. Nobody is forcing me okay? Everyone here is worried for you.
Solar(whispers):Your doing this because our parents are married. Im not fucking stuipd Moonbyul. (Walks in)Let's go to club.
Wheein:What changed your mind?
Solar:Because I get to meet my Prince Charming in there and I'm single. Drink time.

I sighed and walked into my room. Why is Solar putting herself in more danger. I have to protect her at this club. No one is touching my woman no one. I was laying down until there was a knocked at the door. I legit put out a "Do Not Disturb Sign" out but nobody listens.

Solar:Its me.
MB:What do you want?
Solar:Please protect me in the club. I might get drunk and-
MB(opens the door):Yeah I'll protect you. Anyway I can I will.
Solar(nods):Thank you. Sorry for um earlier I was just not really feeling happy. Can i come in?

I nodded and Moonbyul closed the door behind me. I stood in the corner in stared at her with tears in my eyes.

Solar:Eric and I was going to get married here. We planned a whole life here Moonbyul. No cares anyway. Why am i even wasting my time talking to you? You dont-

Moonbyul walked close to me and I was in the corner still breathing heavily. Why do I act like this when Moonbyul is close to me. I dont understand. What is this feeling I didn't feel with Eric. No I can't not like girls.

MB:I do care. If I didn't I would've let him rape you,kill you but I stopped it didn't I? I care about you alot Solar. I'll protect you okay. We should get reayd for the club.
Solar:Yeah I guess but one thing. Dont let me drink alot.
MB:I'll let you drink enough.
Solar(blushes hard):C..Can I move from this corner now?
MB:Aniyo... You have to stay here until I say so.
Solar(pushes Moonbyul blushing hard):I... I have to g..get dressed Dickhead.
MB:Still calling me that (smiles and watches solar leaves).

God shes so cute when she blush. Aish now I gotta watch her tonight. Find by me but Solar dont to anything stupid.

At the club

Solar(drunk):I see a Prince. Bye. (Walks over to him) Hey there.
Random Guy: Hey babe wanna dance.
Solar:Yes I do.
RG:Lets dance then(texts Eric)Shes not here.

I looked at Solar who was twerking on a random guy. I grew really angry. My anger was taking over. I promise to protect her. I walked up to the guy and grabbed Solar.

MB:Yahh lets go.
RG:Yahh let go of my girl.
Momo:Hey lover boy come here with us.
Nayeon:We can give you a good time.
RG:No im sticking with her.
Solar:See. Hes a good dude dont worry I'm fine.
MB:Lets go now.
Solar:Stop protecting me. (Drinks more)Loosen up. Im not with Eric no more. I'm single!!!
RG(texts Eric):Shes here
MB(Grabs the guy phone and breaks it):Stay away from my girlfriend.
Solar(frozen):Girlfriend? Who? Me?
Hwasa(guys the guy):We got him you two just go.
Wheein:Go now!

I picked up solar and took her to the bathroom and she looked at me. She got really close to me and her breath smiles like drinks. I hate the smell of it.

Solar(drunk):I told you to protect me. You still let me do it. (Laughs) i knew I couldnt trust you.
I grabbed Solar and pinmed her against the wall.
Solar(drunk):Why are you protecting me?
MB:B..because I like you Solar. And I knkw your not going to remember this at all. I dont want you too.
Solar(looks down):I like you too.

Solar leaned in to kiss me and I kissed her back. I picked her up and put her on top of the counter. We kept kissing until the bathroom door opened. The crew came in and Solar pulled me by the shirt and started to kiss me getting making my hand on her legs.

Nayeon:Not to ruin the moment but we need to go.
Momo:They have found us.
Wheein:Check solar.
MB:Takes off your clothes.
Solar(takes off her clothes)
MB:Hwasa burn them okay (cover solar with a jacket). Once you burn them meet at the hotel.

I carried solar back to the hotel and told her to pack. Once she got down I put all of our clothes in the van. The crew came back and we dipped to another club. Once we got inside we all started to drink and this time Namo was dancing with each other and Wheesa was dancing with each other. I kept dancing by myself until I saw solar walking to me and started to dance on me. Thank goodness nobody thinks I'm a female and the shades was on. Solar pulled me into a back room and locked the door behind her. No Solar please don't do this I won't be able to hold back. Solar climb in my lap placing her hand on my neck your tilt it on the side giving access to my exposed neck. Solar slowly licked my neck then slowly kissed it on it. I leaned my head back and Solar pulled off my pants and saw me on my boxers. Solar smirked and pulled them off and my pussy was exposed. I grabbed Solar and pinmed her against the wall.

Solar(drunk):Just a taste please?
MB:No I don't let anyome do that.
Solar(Slowly getting on her knees):I'll make it worth your while Moonbyul.

Solar Slowly started to kiss my pussy and I placed my hand on her head leaning my head back. She sucked on my clit which made groans escape my mouth. I tried to stop solar but it felt so good. I felt so good I didn't what it to stop not now. I picked Solar up and made her stand up. I got on my knees and start to suck on her clit while fingering her. Solar gripped on her and leans her head back moaning while breathing heavily. I thrusted three fingers but she was tight. Really right. I smirked and went deep inside her. "Fuck Moonbyul... I'm close". "Call me somthing else" "Daddy I'm going to come". I closed my eyes and kept fingering solar who was moaning daddy and whimpering. I put my tongue in her hole which made Solar grip on my hair. I started pumping my tongue in and out. Solar wall tighten and she came into my tongue. I stood up and we started to kiss even more. Solar layed on the couch and pulled me on top of her. We started to kiss more but I could tell she wanted more. I pulled out a strap and put it on but I frozed. I can't do this. She my step sister. I can't not while she drunk. I put on my clothes and dressed drunk solar who was already asleep. I carried her to the back to can with the others. I felt bad because we had nowhere to go. I cleared solar mind of us tasting each other. Solar gripped on my arm still asleep.

Momo:You fell in love with her didn't you?
MB:I...I think so but this can't happen. I'll be in big trouble if our parents found I like solar. Im not perfect for Solar. She been doing good on her own.
Nayeon(sleep voice):Take y'all asses to sleep. You too babe.

Everyone fell asleep but me. I kept in eye out while the driver slept. I kept my eyes and ears open. Then I someone have a nightmare so was Solar. It was her first time havong one. I pulled her into my arms rubbing her back. Don't worry I'm here.

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