Overprotective Solar

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A month later
Solar POV
The gang and I just finish making music videos. HIP and GOGOBEBE. I grabbed my bag and took a drink from my water bottle. I walked into my locker room and closed the door behind me. I felt a pair a hands cover my mouth and nose so I couldnt breath. I bite the person hand and turn around scared.

Solar:Eric... Moonbyul dad... What are you-
Eric:You are getting in the way Solar. We need to end yiu once and for all.
MB Dad:We will kill Moonbyul. Your in the way like your friends. Once they are dead and Moonbyul you'll be left alone with nobody.
Solar:Your such a piece of shit. Thats your daughter.
MB Dad: Shes a disgrace. Shes fucking gay. I dont like that (pulls out a knife)
Eric:And we know your her weakness. (Walks to Solar)

I walked back into a wall. I dashed to the door but Eric grabbed me. I screamed and jumped out of my sleep. I looked and saw the girls staring at me.

MB:Unnie you okay.
Solar(stares at Moonbyul and doesn't say anything)
Nayeon:Maybe an nightmare.
Momo(holds Nayeon to her):Yeah could be.

I just crashed my lips onto Moonbyul. She kissed me back and let out a very low growl. I blushed hard then hugged her. They dont want me at all. They want Moonbyul and I won't let them have anyone. I kept hugging Moonbyul playing in her hair. Moonbyul blushed hard and stopped me from playing in her hair.

MB:Unnie what happened?
Solar(gets in Moonbyul lap):Just promise me to look around for your surroundings. Gang promise me you'll never let Moonbyul and I out your sight.
Hwasa:If y'all having sex no thank you.
Momo:Okay I agree.
Wheein:Guys chill we already know what.
Solar:Eric is after Moonbyul... And her dad...
MB:After me why?
Solar:You took me from Eric and because your gay. I dont see-
MB:Dont worry about it. I got it. (Sighs and gets up). I'll be fine just give me some time alone.
Wheein:We can't do that.
MB:Right... (Lays down). I just dont feel good.
Momo(kisses nayeon neck):We told you not to practice but you dont listen.
Nayeon(blushes):Babe not right now okay?
Momo(softly bites Nayeon neck and whisper in her ear): Nayeon its been months since we done something sexually. I need you badly babygirl. Lets go to my dress room.
Nayeon(stands up)Fuck it come one. Boss we will bw back.
MB(laughs):Trust me take your time.
Namo:we will (leaves).
Hwasa:I think HIP will be our best song.
Wheein:I thought it was going to be My Star.
Solar:Both are good. Lets not argue. Lets order some- guys stop kissing please.
Hwasa(blushing):Unnie geez. You and Moonbyul have makeout moments infront of us and we just watch.
Solar:Okay you guys can have your moment.

(Fan meeting Moonsun, Wheesa, and Namo)
Everyone:Hello we are well lol the badass group
Wheein:We haven't thought of a name. Hi im Wheein or wheepup (acts cute)
Crowd:Uwu!!! So cute.
Hwasa:Hi im baby lion (acts cute)
Crowd:Hwasa marry me.
Wheein:Yah she mine.
Nayeon:Hi guys I'm Nayeon (waves)
Momo:Hi guys im Mo-
Momo:Haha no. (Acts cute)
Solar:Hi guys I'm
Croud:Solar unnie can you pole dance?
Solar:Coming soon haha.
MB:Hi guys im Moonbyul.(everyone sits down)
Fan:Moonbyul ah do you still like Kyrstal?
Solar(gets a little mad):...
MB:Anyio I dont like her. Shes a murder but I do have a crush.
Crown:Moonsun!!! Moonsun!!! Moonsun!!!
Solar(still upset)...
Hwasa:Guys dont bring her up again.
Momo:Okay if you guess the right number you take a picture with Moonbyul.
Solar:Why Moonbyul?
Wheein:Unnie(mouths) Chill.
MB:Haha hana dul set.
Girl number one:34.
MB:How did you-
Girl 1:Your favorite number is 34. (Walks up to the stage).
MB:Cute. (Smiles and stands up)
Girl 1:Can I have a hug?
MB(hugs the girl takes a picture with her and holds her hand):Yahh your hands is so small.
Girl 1(blushes):Thank you unnie.
Solar(rolles eyes and turn away):...
Guy1:Solar unnie say something.
Solar(looks shocked):Yah.. Haha what was that.
Guy1:Hii unnie.
Solar(pulls him on stage):Looks at him. Your so tall.
Momo(whispers):Trying to make Moonbyul jealous huh.
Nayeon(nods):Anyway should we start the fan meet?
MB(grabs her chest and falls on her knees):ahh..
Girl1:Unnie are you okay.
MB(stands up):Now I'm from your love and moomoos and Onces (throws her hat in the crown)
Solar(angry):Moonbyul sit down now!
MB(winks at the girl than sits down):Unnie relax.
Solar(whispers in Moonbyul ear moving the Mic away):You would be feeling the same day if I was flirting with that guy. Better yet bet. (Leans away from Moonbyul). Lets start the fan meeting
Guy1:Unnie you look very good today
MB(doesn't say thing and sign his book):....
Guy1(frowns and goes to Solar):Whats wrong with Moonbyul unnie?
Solar(doesnt look and smiles at the guy):She fine babe okay (kisses his cheek).

I threw my phone down and walked out the meeting with the managers following me.

MB:Im going to the restroom so stop following me.
Manager unnie:You can't walk out like that. We have to stop the fan meeting if you keep this up Moonbyul.
MB(angrily):Im just going to the fucking restroom okay. Can't you see im hurting unnie? Look at my fucking eyes. Look at my skin. (Looks at manager oppa and unnie) Can't you guys see I need help? (Let tears fall) Can't you guys see im in pain. Im hurting and you guys dont care about how we kpop idols feel. You don't fucking care at all. (Walks in the restroom closing the door and locking it)
Manager unnie:Moonbyul (frowns) I feel bad.
Manager Oppa:I'll pause the fan meeting and get the girls. (Walks out covering his face) Guys we will have to pause real quick. It's a medical problem and we should be back shortly (fans the girls off stage).
(Back to Moonbyul)

I was in the bathroom crying my heart out and when I looked in the mirror I saw me with an evil look. I wiped my face and looked again. The evil me was still have there. I frozed in fear seeing me looking evil. We both made eye contact until the evil me broke the slients. The lights flickered as I saw the evil me reaching out the mirror I backed up into a wall staring at me.

Evil MB:Why are you backing away Moonbyul? Dont you miss me?
MB:Not a chance. Your evil.
Evil MB:I'll always be your darkside. You can never hide from me (grabs MB throat) I'll recover and take over Moonbyul.
MB(shakes head):N..no. (Pushes evil away) I'll not let you take control. Last time I did we almost... Not we you almost kill them. Im not doing that again. We almost murder alot of people
Evil:Thats what in your head Moonbyul. Together people will respect us. Be evil again.
MB(falls down):Leave me alone.
Momo(smashes the mirror):Boss its okay its okay we are here.
MB:W..where did she go? (Looks at the message on behind the mirror) "I'll be back old friend. We will rise again and evil will take over"-Evil MB.
Nayeon:Boss its okay we are here for you.
Wheein:We are a group. I promise we are here.
Hwasa:Manager unnie and oppa are crying.
MB:Sorry. I kinda said somethings. I was caught up in the moment. I'm okay (looks down)

I looked up to see Solar talking to the managers with tears in her eyes. I looked down and feel the touch of my evilness on my neck. I didn't even care. While walkong and looking I felt a finger lift my head. I saw Solar with tears in her eyes saying sorry. She hugged me tightly and I could feel the scar leave my neck. We started to kiss slowly and I blushed hard. We walked backed to the fan meeting and everyone cheered.

MB:Sorry everyone(bows)
Crowd:Its okay unnie.
MB(hugs the guy):Sorry for being a bitch to you.
Random Girl(runs and hugs moonbyul)Omg omg I love you love you!!!
MB(jumps):Yahh please get off.
(The girls try to pull Moonbyul off)
Solar(pushes the girl):Yah dont touch her. Get this girl out of here.
Guys2:Is everyone in the group dating each other?
Nayeon:Momo and I are.
Momo:Best girl ever.
Wheein:Hwasa and I together.
Hwasa(shows two finger):Going on two years
Guy3:Solar are you in Moonbyul dating?
MB(rubs her arms):Yes I'm dating the need of the school.
Solar(pulls Moonbyul away from the fan girls):Yes this is my boyfriend so dont even try anything.
Girl2:I liked Moonbyul no fair.

I looked across the room and frozed. Eric and Moonbyul father was here. I pointed and the girls looked. We got MoosMoos and Onces safe then we left in a heartbeat. How do they find us so quick? We must kill them once in for all.

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