Saving the nerd

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Moonbyul POV
I woke Solar up so she could take a shower and get ready for school. Solar kept her distance away from me which kinda hurt me. Solar called her friends to take her to school and for the first time I frowned and was filled with anger. That Eric guy took her happiness away. After Solar left I grabbed my backpack and my wallet and dipped. I parked my car in the parking lot and walked in the school. The girls was drooling all over me and I looked to see Solar talking to Wheein and Hwasa. My girlfriend turned my head and we kissed.

Krystal:Hi baby. How did your summer go?
MB:Mmm great. My dad got engaged to that nerd mother. Now I see her annoying ass face everyday.
Krystal:Ugh that bitch.
MB:Hey watch it.
Krystal:Sorry babe. Anyway want to come to the movies with me and my friends?
MB:Yeah I'll like that(looks at Solar getting bullied). E..excuse me.

Solar POV
I was talking to my friend when I felt a pair of hands grabbed me and pinned me against the wall. These girls pushed my books to the ground and threw the backpack.

Solar:What the hell is your problem?
Sumi:Your my fucking problem. What the did you do to my brother? You bitch.
Hwasa:Yah fuck off of her.
Sumi:Shut the fuck up bitch.
Wheein(holds Hwasa back):Li-

I looked at Moonbyul who was staring at the girl angrily. Moonbyul looked at me then the girl.

Sumi:Eonnie what-
MB:Why are you pinning her against my locker?
Sumi:Eonnie. She spread rumours saying my brother raped her.
Solar:I didn't it.
Sumi:Yes you did.

I saw the girl making a fist and getting ready to hit me but then I felt her grip let go. I open my eyes to see Moonbyul grabbed on the girl and lifting her up. Why is the most popular girl protecting me.

MB:Listen here. I was there. Your brother did rape her. I told the rumours not Solar. If I ever catch you bullying my step sister her friends ot my girlfriend I'll hurt you. You understand punk?
Sumi:Yes Eonnie.

Moonbyul let go of the girl and grabbed all my stuff and gave it to me neatly. I carefully grabbed them from Moonbyul and just looked at her scared a little bit. Hwasa and Wheein grabbed my hand and we walked off.

MB:Sorry. I'll pick you up for the movies.
K:No My friends are picking me up. I'll just meet you up there. (Holds Moonbyul hand).

I turned around one more time to find Moonbyul and her girlfriend kissing. I rolled my eyes at her and kept walking with the girls. I walked into girls with the girls behind me. Everyone was staring at me while I took my seat. Its only the last week in school. I fixed my glasses on my face and sat down leaving my books off the side.

Teacher:Alright everyone please stop staring. We are not doing anything in class but dont be so loud or I'll give you work. Now you may sit where ever- Yes Kyrstal?
K:Dont you think miss Solar want work? Shes all nerd and has a crush on you anyway.
Eric:Yah leave my-
Solar:Listen her bitch (stands up and takes off my glasses) I may be a nerd but I can pull more than you think. (Grabs Kyrstal by her shirt) I dont care if that dickhead is your girlfriend. I'll beat you up right here right now. Try me (Throws Kyrstal down then sits at my sit)
Hwasa:Dont say shit to her. She stood up for herself. You let people bully her and shit.
Wheein:Then when she stuck up herself you have a problem.
Lisa:Thats shit foul play. You should clap your Solar unnie.
Everyone but Kyrstal(Claps for solar).

For the first time I smiled hard and covered my face. Then I heard the door open amd Moonbyul came in the class angrily. I knew she was going to beat me. Moonbyul walked to Kyrstal and stared at her with evilness then look to Eric and stared at him with the same look. Then she looked at me but with a smile. I was confused but I was staring at her back. I felt my heart beating fast. Then she saw me sitting next to Eric which mad her frown. Why didn't she like him? Then I remembered last night what he done to me. Then why did she look angry at Krystal?

Teacher:Moonbyul what are you doing in my class?
MB:Why did one of your students sleep with my girlfriend?
Teacher:You have 10 minutes.
MB:Solar move from him now.
MB:Dont you remember last night? I have a bad feeling about him (grabs solar and moves her) You thought it was okay to sleep with my girlfriend when rape Solar.
Eric:Shut up. You dont know what yiur talking about.
K:Eric please dont lie.
Solar:You slept with that bitch.
K:Im not a bi-
Hwasa:Shes a hooooeee!!!!!
Wheein(Laughs):Shes a hoooooeeeee!!!
Lisa:Yah thats Moonbyul girlfriend.
MB:Not no more.

I was looking at Solar who was angry but she looked so cute mad. Then a side of me kicked in. The side I didn't want to show. Eric was going to pull out a gun but I grabbed him and pinned him against the wall. I kicked the gun away from him. I grabbed him and threw him acrossed the room. I grabbed Solar hand and fan Wheesa and Namo to come on. We hurried out the school and into a van. The van took off away from school.

Momo:You good Moonbyul?
MB:Ne. Solar you okay?
Solar:Just shaken up a bit.
MB:Its okay we will protect you from him.
Solar:Why are you acting so soft around me?
Nayeon:Moonbyul is always soft around us.
Momo:Babe she said not to tell anyone.
Nay:She showing it.
Wheein:Thats her step sister.
Hwasa:Ne. Now what about Moonbyul ex?
MB:Dont worry about that. My main concern is for Solar. Go through the cookout drive through and get us some milkshake.
Solar:N..No im fine. Im just tired.
MB:Fall asleep on me and your still getting milkshake asshole.
Solar:Whatever you say dickhead. (Lays on Moonbyul) I know your doing this because of our parents. You don't have to. I can fight my own battles. (Falls asleep).

When Solar fell asleep on me I tried not to smile nor blush. I wasn't doing this for our parents. It was something else making have an urge to protect her from everyone. I know Eric and Kyrstal are planning something bad for Solar. I wont let my solar. GET THIS VOICE OUT MY HEAD!!! My am I falling for someone I don't know. I fell asleep with my arms folded and I woke up when the driver told us heres our milkshakes.

Moonbyul:Unnie wake up.
Solar(wakes up rubbing her head):Yes.

I was staring at Solar because my vision was becoming different I could see through her clothes. I sheaked my head and saw I still was. I pressed on my head and I could only see her in her clothes. I hope out the van and started to breath hard and fell to the ground. I looked Solar and hugged her tightly.

Solar:What the hell is going on with you three? You all seem like your hiding something.
MB(Fixes Solar glasses):No. Let's go to Hawaii?
Solar:Aniyo!!! I have to finish work.
Wheein:Im in Hwasa and I could have a good time on the beach.
Hwasa:Thats a good idea.
Wheein:See. Come on Solar. We can loosen up.
Solar:No dam it. Just so with out me.

I looked at Solar who was walking off but then she frozed and slowly walked back to us gripping on her books.

Solar:C..Can we go p..please?
Solar(grips on Moonbyul wrist): P...please. I don't want you to fight anyone. Lwta go now before they see me.
Hwasa:We should get in the Van.
Solar:Let's go to Hawaii okay? Let's go.
MB:Whos scaring you?
Solar:Can you please get in the got dam van?
Nayeon:Come on lets go.

We got into the van and it drove off quickly. I looked at Solar who was gripping her books looking down crying softly. Hwasa and Wheein stayed by her side. I just looked at her and read her mine. I'm sorry Solar you saw Eric kissing someone else. I promise I'm here for you. More than a friend Solar. I love you more than a step sister. We all fell asleep. Hawaii here we come.

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