A Year Later

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Solar POV

The twins woke up crying which woke me up. I got out of bed and fed them. After that I burp them but they was still crying. They didn't need to be changed at all but then I realized. Moonbyul... There father.... I played Moonbyul on Tv and recorded the twins dancing. Hyun-ae and Min-Jun both said appa. I smiled at them and hold there hands. Then my phone lit up.

Solar:Siri answer call.
Siri:Answering call.
Nayeon:Its the twins birthday isn't it?
Solar:Ne. They're watching there father right now.
Nayeon:So I got a called from Momo. They won't be able to make it... But we are having a party for them at the house on the island. Get your ass over here.
Solar(smiles):Okay okay im on the way now.

After I got off the phone a tear fell from my eye. I wiped it and headed to the party. They still didn't want to walk so I picked them up and we walked inside. Maybe five minutes the door opened and Momo was standing there with gifts in her hand for the twins. Nayeon ran and hugged her and kissed her. Now I'm starting to miss my fiance more.

RG:Congrats on the twins Solar
Solar:Thanks Kyle. Still the nerd from high school?
Kyle:I changed. Anyway can you come outside. I gift for the twin but I dont know if they would like it.
Solar:Sure (walks outside)Where is it Kyle?
Kyle:Here(tries to kiss Solar)
Solar(stands back):Im engaged Kyle.
Kyle:Where is your husband??
Solar:Don't worry about it. (Goes inside)
Kyle(follows):who is your husband?
Solar(turns around and bites her bottom lip):Right behind you.
MB:Fuck off. She's mine all the way. (Smiles) I wouldnt miss this day at all. Come here
Solar(jumps into MB):Please tell me its over.
MB:Its really over my love (kisser Solar then puts her down)Where my babies at (takes off jacket and put keys down)
Twins(walks to MB):APPA!!!!
MB:Is this there first time walking?!!
MB(smiles):And they remember me how? (Picks up the twins)
Solar:I played you on tv everyday for them.
MB(pulls Solar to me):I want you (winks). Lets enjoy our kids party together.
Solar:They can wait like for five minutes right? I need some of you.
MB:Can it wait just a little baby?
Solar:N..no...yes... Fine... Just a little then I better be in your mouth (winks)
Wheein(smiles):Unnie did you forget about us?
MB(hugs Hwasa and Wheein):I know I missed you guys birthday.
Hwasa:You our gift Unnie.
MB:Im glad I'm here (smiles and sees other people)
Solar(gets a little jealous):Who are them girls on Moonbyul?
Wheein:My cousins. I told them not to flirt with Moonbyul.
MB(laughing):Ne. I was gone for a year but I promise to be here for my kids.
Solar(jealous):And she just laughing with them like its okay.
Hwasa:Unnie go get your man (kisses Wheein)
Solar(walks to Moonbyul):Having fun flirting?
MB:Unnie im not flirting babe. (Tries to kiss solar)
Solar(turns head):Yeah whatever. You can go back flirting. (Walks to the room jealous)

I followed Solar into the room closing and locking the door behind me. I can see how jealous she is and I felt bad. I tried to hug her but she turned away. I pulled her close hugging her from behind. I know I should be with the twins but i know Solar missed me too.

MB:Unnie I know your jealous and im sorry. Baby please talk to me.
Solar(rolles eyes):No go talk to Wheein cousins.
MB:I dont want them i want you dam it. Stop making it seem lile im cheating when im not. I want you solar nobody else.
Solar(seductive tone):Say it again.
MB:Say what?
Solar:What you just said.
MB:I want you...
Solar:Yes that. Say it again.
MB(Smirks):Unnie. I want you badly.
Solar:After the twins party is over(smiles and leaves)
MB:Wa...(walks with Solar):Should we let them blow out the candles?
Solar:Mmm up to you (looks at Moonbyul)
MB(Grabs the cake and sit it down them sits the twins in the chair)

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