Whats In Moonbyul's Head?

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Moonbyul POV
Eric stood there hold a sign saying "You all have a week to prepare for war". After we read it he disappeared at of the fan meeting. I looked at Solar and this one guy talking. I grabbed my duffle bag and my drink. I looked at them again who was laughing and talking. I shook my head and walked out of the place never looking back. I felt a pair a hands go around my neck. I didn't even move nor flinch. I knew who it was.

Kyrstal:Miss me babe?
MB:What do you want?
Kyrstal:You babe. I miss what we had. The sex the love when we have dates nights. I messed up bad when I cheated yes i did. But I seen the mistake I made.
MB(looks at Kyrstal):Im sorry but im not loving you again nor anybody else. Fuck love Kyrstal. All you girls want is a hit and run. Most of you are after the money and sex thats it. Just stay away from me.
Kyrstal(pins Moonbyul against the wall):Eric is giving you guys a week to perpare for a war he made. He made army made friemds with his enemies to defeat you guys. He almost got me killed so he could live. He doesn't even knoe what love is like you do Moonbyul. Give me a chance please. (Kisses Moonbyul)
Solar(watches and listens with tears):...
Moonbyul(pushes Kyrstal off):I have a girlfriend okay. I dont want you anymore (wipes my lips) You think just cause you told me that I'll run back to you. No fucking way.
Kyrstal:Solar got you wrapped around her finger. She doesn't love you at all. If she did she wouldve followed you out her. Do you see her? No right? Because shes in there flirting with a guy behind your back. Just come back to me you know I'm speak nothing but-

Solar hit Kyrstal with a bad and started to swing on her. I stood there frozen but then they started to fight when hands. I pulled Solar off and covered her with my body. I'm still injured but used all I had to protect Solar. I felt a stab in my stomach. I looked up at Kyrstal who stood ther frozen and in shocked. I pulled the knife out groaning in pain. Wheein and Hwasa rushed outside and tied Kyrstal down knocking her out cold. That was the last thing I saw before blacking out.

XXX location

MB mom:Is she awake yet?
Solar:Aniyo. She still asleep.
Wheein:That kiss mustve been toxic.
Nayeon:Most definitely.
MB mom: Why did she walk out by herself anyway?
Momo:Because Solar was flirting with a fan. She did it twice and Moonbyul for angry.
Kyrstal:Can you untie me please? I'm hungry and I have to pee.
Momo(Shoves Kyrstal in the bathroom and stands in there with her):Don't ask me to turn around just pee.
Solar:She always get jealous then ends up getting hurt.
Wheein:What's her body percentage?
Hwasa:It keep doing to 50% to 20%
Wheein(holds the notebook and write it down): So her vitals are good but her percentage is way to low-key.
Hwasa(bites her bottom lip):Babe that was so hot.
Momo(shoves Kyrstal back in the living room):Is there anyway we could read her mind to see what making the body percentage low?
Nayeon(hover a pait of hands over MB mind then pulls out a monitor): Lets see.

Moonbyul mind
You lied to me father... I trusted you(cuts) Kyrstal you used me(cuts) You never fucking loved me(cuts twice) I gave you every fucking thing you asked for(cuts again). I almost died for you and my dad and this is what I get (cuts again). Where is my light huh??? Why is there darkness everywhere???(keeps cutting). Eomma where are you when I needed you?? Only people I have is Hwasa Wheein Nayeon Momo BLACKPINK BTS... But why can't I not smile.

MB dad:Moonbyul be nice to her you understand...
Solar:Hey dickhead
MB(smiles):Still calling me huh asshole?
Evil MB:I told you I will always win (chokes MB) You'll never kill me.(turns Moonbyul towards her friends) They can't even help. (Leans Moonbyul head back) I'll be your light. We can rule the world together.
MB:No more hate??? Just kill again (sits up)
E.MB:Good job Moonbyul. Just kill again. Say it... I wanna end me
MB: I wanna. I wanna. I wanna... No. I can't give up.
E.MB:Your so stupid. Look at your friends just sitting where waiting for you to give up.
Nice MB(Shows Moonbyul the night with solar): Remember when you save Solar for Eric.
MB:She has that fanboy now. She doesn't need me.
N.MB:If she didn't... She would've let Kyrstal kill you over taken over you. If she didn't y'all two wouldne be having...
MB(covers her mouth):Yah point taken.
N.MB:wake up Moonbyul they need you.
E.MB:Don't wake up if you do I'll plan will be ruin.
N.MB:Wake up and save your friends. Dont listen to your evil side until Eric comes.
E.MB:Now your talking Nice Moonbyul.
MB:You two agree on something??? Wow.
N.MB/E.MB(place there hands on Moonbyul chest)WAKE UP!!

Outside of Moonbyul mind

Girls:What the hell?
MB. Mom:Shes been going through so much... My baby.
MB(falls off the table):...
Solar(Catches her and Wheein then puts her back on the table):Wake up Moonbyul-ssi.
Hwasa:Babe her vitals???
Wheein:There great but she still low on her percentage. Wait a wait is rising!. We need the needle its rising too fast.
Mom:The needle won't enter her skin. Her skin is too hard!!!
E.MB:Stop it!!! Stop fighting us MB
Moonbyul(jumps up and looks around):You... (Grabs Krystal): Where is she??
Krystal:W. Who??
MB(Open her eyes):Solar Unnie.
Krystal:B..Behind you.

Solar POV

Moonbyul dropped Krystal and walked to me. Her eyes. Her hair... Her body... She looked better healed but not as hell. Her eyes was red and the other was blue. She blinked and they went brown. Her hair was brown and she was wearing boy clothes like always. Her body looks like she been eating but she so fit with a 6 pack. I just looked at her as she looked at me.

MB:Are you done staring at-

I just kissed her wanting to be held. Moonbyul pulled me close to her and hugged me. I could feel the positive enegry flowing in her body. The way she held close to her. I could feel her heart beat which was making me want her even more. Then we pulled back from the kiss. Moonbyul bowed and smiled at everyone and say thank you but then she slowly turned her hair and looked at Kyrstal. The evil look in Moonbyul eyes was the most sexiest thing I had ever seen. Moonbyul was walking to Kyrstal but I place my hand on her and making her stop walking. The way they felt and her skin soft and clean. I pulled her body close to me not wanting to let go.

MB Mom:Lets have dinner yeah? It's getting late and you'll have to train tomorrow.
Wheein:Good sounds good.
MB:Im going to take a shower.
MM:What about Krystal?
MB:Untie her. She can't escape even if she wants to. She'll sleep in the room with my dog Kobe. Trust me you'll love him (walks off).
Nayeon:How do she gets a new look?
MM:Don't worry about it babe. Solar what are you waiting for?
MM:Go join her in the shower.
Solar(smiles):Gald to (leave)
Nayeon(looks at Momo): So we can have alone time huh?
Momo: Mhm (slowly kisses Nayeon)
Hwasa:Okay get a room haha.
Mom:please haha.

Solar POV.
I heard the water running as I was getting my clothes. I walked in the bathroom closing the door behind me locking it. I saw Moonbyul washing every inch of her body. After she was covered in soap she leaned her head back as the water was slowly dripping down her body. I took off my clothes and joined her. Moonbyul showed this smirk with made me blush and looked down. Moonbyul lifted my head up and started to wash my body. I blushed hard and she put me under the showerhead making us nothing getting wet. Moonbyul picked me up and leaned me against the wall. We started to kiss like we was hungry. Moonbyul hand went inside me which made me let out a moan. I ran my hands through MB hair as she kept fingering deeply. She went faster harder and deeper. I started to moan loud but MB kissed me so I wouldnt be loud. I cream onto her hands but she wouldn't stop. I gripped on her wrist and moaning in her ear begging her to stop but she didn't listen. I creamed again and MB slowly let her fingers out of me. I watched every drip of my dream drop in short into the drain. I lifted Moonbyul hand and licked every last drop on her hand. Then we kissed and I could hear low soft growl as we kissed. I blushed hard and we took another shower. After we finished I sliped on my panties and bra and a T-shirt. I looked over at Moonbyul who was in her boxers and a T-shirt. MB threw her big shirt at ne to wear which I did and it smelt so good. I walked out the bathroom with Moonbyul behind me. Kyrstal saw me in Moonbyul shirt which made her mad. I told Moonbyul and she gripped on my shirt pulling me close to her and kissed me then gave me a hickey.

Mom:Time to eat kids.
Every1: Yes!!
Solar(Jumps once Kobe runs out the door):Y...yah g..get him away.
Hwasa:Unnie it's a German Shepherd mixed with husky and pitbull.
Solar:I...i see.
Krystal:He's so scary.
MB:Babe I promise he's a good boy. He'll listen to you. (Grabs a bone and puts it in Solar hand).
MB:Trust me.

I smiled as Moonbyul hand was with mine as I gave Kobe the bone. He's so cute. Just like us owner. But now we must train and get ready for war.

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