Scared Solar

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Solar POV
Everyone was awake but me. In my nightmare I remember seeing Eric standing behind clowns. I was never afraid of clowns its just the way Eric had the faces and clothes. They started to ran to me with weapons. I screamed in my dream and hoped up hugging Wheein and Hwasa while shaking. I looked around and we was in a room but where Moonbyul?

Solar:Wheres Moonbyul?
Hwasa:Still in the van.
Wheein:She stayed up all night watching us sleep.
Nayeon:You should go check on her.
Momo:She said she wasn't feeling good.

I walked to the van and saw Moonbyul sitting up.

Solar:Yah go to sleep.
MB:Aniyo. I have to watch out.
Solar(sits in the van and closes the door):I'm wait until you go to sleep. Lay your head on me.
MB(Lays her head on Solar):S-
Solar:I'll sing you song.

I watched Moonbyul fall asleep on me as I was playing in her hair. I kissed Moonbyul on her head and was backing away but I felt her grip my arm saying "Please dont leave me". I smiled and stayed close to Moonbyul. I felt like I needed to be with her but she hiding something from me. Her and the other aswell. What are they hiding from me? Only thing I remember is I got drunk and pulled Moonbyul into a room. I dont remember anything else. I know I was twerking on a guy and I confessed... HOLY FUCKING SHIT. I REMEMBER. I came on to Moonbyul and we kissed in the bathroom. Thats it nothing else happened. When Moonbyul wake up I have to ask her what happen. Shes hiding something. Hours went by and I woke up and Moonbyul was still asleep. I woke her up and she looked at me. I could hold it back anymore.

Solar:What happened between us? Dont lie to me. I know we kissed in the bathroom. I came on to you and I was twerking on some guy before that but what happened between us?
MB:Unnie I cant tell you that. Only you kissed me and you said you like me.
Solar:Dont fucking lie me!!! What else happened?
MB:You came onto me. Sexual. I told you off but you wouldn't back down. No I didn't rape you. You can onto me asking if you can have me. I said no but you did anyway. I tasted you and you tasted me? (Looks away)
MB(gets up):Yea. Dont worry. I know you dont like girls. I'll back off. (Leaves)

I frowned when Moonbyul left. Me? I really tasted her??? I made a move her my step sister. How many time i have to tell myself im not into girls??? I walked out the van and some grabbed and put a bag over my head. I kicked and screamed out loud. I felt a fist punch in the stomach. Then I heard some similar voices.

Eric:Missed me babe?
Solar:E..eric??? Let me go.
Kyrstal:Babe i couldn't find the others.
Eric:Its find. We have what we needed anyway.
Kyrstal:Ah Solar-ssi
Solar:Fuck off bitch. LET ME GO!!

I felt the bag tighten to the point I couldn't breath. I felt the bag rip and I looked and at Moonbyul who eyes was red. She held me close to her and I looked around to see Namo and Wheesa eyes red also. Now I know they hiding something from me. I could feel Moonbyul heart beating. I hugged her and to calm her heart. Wheein grabbed me and put me in the van. I peeped through the door to see whats going on.

Moonbyul:Why do you keep attacking her? She doesn't want you. And either do i?
Eric:Shes doesn't know about you does she?
Momo:She doesn't need to know.
Nayeon:It safe if she doesn't.
Krystal:Cut the cap and let's go.

I looled at Moonbyul who transform herself into 10. It was 10 of her 10 of Wheein Hwasa, Nayeon and Momo. I frozed in fear. They started to fight and I was scared. I couldnt move couldnt do anything. The girls got into the ran and we took off. They tried to touch me but i moved back and stayed in a corner.

Moonbyul:Look I know this is new to you but-
Solar(scared):You all are n..not human.
MB:Solar... Yout not human either. Your mother pass this down to us. She went hunting and attacked us. We are like this because of your mother. She lied to you.
Wheein:She told us to keep it from you.(Hwasa starts to gove Wheein a hickey)
Solar(still scared):T..then you all will train me. Deal?
Momo:Deal but only of us can.
Nayeon:Who do you trust?
Solar(looks at Hwasa):Hwasa-ssi.
Hwasa:Train with Moonbyul. She has no partner.
MB:She wants to work with you. Im okay with wor- I'll with Moonbyul-ssi. W..where are we going now.
MB:Back to the penthouse in Korea. Who cares about them? We have to protect you. I know what Eric wants from Solar that why you have to stay in eye sight between all of us.
Solar:Do we still have school?
Solar:Good I need to sleep.
Hwasa:And I need to fuck.
Wheein:Hwasa. What did I tell you about saying that out loud?
Hwasa:Sorry but its true.
Solar(looks outside):This isn't our penthouse.
MB:Its the gang hideout penthouse. We dont-
Solar:Can we share a room?
MB:Ne sure.
Nay:Lets order food.
MB:I'll be in a minute.

It's been maybe an hour and Moonbyul haven't came back in. I came outside to find her on ground with cuts on her arm and a rope around her neck. I looked at the note that read "I'm sorry Solar unnie. I didn't want to see me like this"-Moonbyul. I pulled Moonbyul to me and cried. Her body was cold and pale. Why did I feel like another part of me died. I kept crying until I saw my necklace glow. I felt Moonbyul body warm and her heart beat again . I looked at her and saw her eyes open. I... I... I healed her. I heal people now? All these years I hated magic but now I saved someone who i really love. No as a friend yeah. Moonbyul looked at me and gave me a soft smile and wiped my tears. I helped her up and carried her inside. Moonbyul was walking to the room and I helped her.

Solar:Why didn't you tell me you was going through depression?
MB:Why should I? You shouldn't be worrying about me.
Solar:Dont do stupid shit thats going to make me worry dam it. Moonbyul I do care. Please promise me you don't do shit like that again? Fucking promise.
MB:Yah I promise.
Solar:We are sleeping in the same bed. Dont saying nothing about it. (Gets undressed)
MB:Yah but- seen my body before and you know I sleep in bra,panties and a big shirt on. Get over it. (Gets in the bed)
MB:And I only sleep in boxers and a sports bra.
Solar:Good for you goodnight.
MB:Can we cuddle at least?
Solar:N..No goodnight.

Moonbyul fell asleep and I stayed up for a little. I cuddled up with her and wrapped her arms around my waist. Why did I feel so safe in her arms. Moonbyul... Why do you make me feel this way? You know im not into girls. Your changing me and I dont... I do like it... Yah what the fuck am I saying?

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