Sharing Rooms

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I packed my stuff neatly in the room. Moonbyul and I had our on side. After packing I opened to door and walked to the kitchen closing the room door behind me. I made me some popcorn and turned on the TV to watch a movie. I started eating the popcorn watching the movie. I pause it and put on some sweatpants T-shirt and some glasses. I tied my hair in a bun and started watching the movie eating popcorn. After the movie I looked at my phone to see the girls and my mom texted me. My mom went to work and so did Park. The asked if they could come over to the house and I said sure. Why did Moonbyul and I have to share a room even though theres other rooms? Oh one room is the gameroom,the man cave and Moonbyul place. That fucking blew me. After a while there was a knock at the door and I answered it. I let the girls in and we sat down and watch Tv then my phone dingged letting me know I have a messaged. I tooked at it and saw Eric Nam texted me. I turn my phone away and watch tv.

Hwasa:So Solar you and old boy together?
Solar:Eric? Yeah we just been.
Wheeim:You need to leave him.
Hwasa:Get a girlfriend.
Solar:Why? To be like you too haha. I dont like Girls.
Wheesa:The lies to tell.
Wheein:You snd Moonbyul bicker still?
Solar:Moonbyul and I havent talked in a week. I just finished moving in today. Shes a pain the ass.

We heard the door open and faced it. Moonbyul walked out the room with shorts and a tshirt and slides with socks on. All of our mouths drop and we was looking at her. Moonbyul turn out way and stood infront me getting close to my face. I started breathing heavily. Why was Moonbyul making me feel this way?

Moonbyul:I invited a homeboy of mine to play the game with me and I ordered pizza for you girls.
Solar:Why would you-
MB:I felt nice. Pizza will be in 10 minutes heres the money. I'll sit up here until my homeboy get here.
Solar:Can you at least change? My friends dont want to see you like that.
MB:So you do?
Solar(hits Moonbyul):Get lost. I have a boyfriend.

The girls and I started talking then the door bell rung. Moonbyul answered it and it was my boyfriend holding the pizza and drink.

Hwasa:Babe looks who at the door.
Wheein:Why should I look at him when i have you?
Eric:Hey Solar. Whats Moonbyul. (Puts the food down closing the door behind him)
MB:You know step sister.
Solar:Im his girlfriend.

I walked to Eric to kiss him but Moonbyul stood in the way.

MB:I invited to play the game with me bro not you. I'll just call Jimin V and Jungkook.
Eric:No. My bad. Lets go beat it. We need to win. (Kisses Solar and leaves)
MB:Dont do that in my parents house.
Solar:Fuck off dickhead.

Moonbyul ran up to my face which made me lean against the wall breathing hard again. Moonbyul and I was really close but then she smirked and walked into the game room closing the door. I sat back down and looked at the girls who was looking back at me.

Hwasa:Girl Moonbyul is fine as hell.
Wheein:Excuse me. Then fuck her then.
Hwasa:Yahh baby chill okay. I'm just saying she gor jealous when Solar and Eric kiss. She might like Eric.
Solar:No she doesn't Moonbyul is gay.
Wheein:Have she sit on you?
Hwasa:Thats her step sister.
Wheein:Babe we done role play before you how-
Hwasa(covers Wheein mouth):Hey its getting late so we are going to head home plus I have to get up early

The girls and I hugged goodbye. I kept watching TV. An hour later or two Eric came out the room and cuddled up with me. I smiled at him and just stared at him. He was so fine but something was off about him. Eric leaned in to kiss me and I kissed him. Eric hovered over me still kissing me. One thing about me is I like rough sex just rough things. Eric choked me but not in a sexual way. It felt more like he was trying to kill me. I looked at Eric who was looking back at me. He slipped his hand down my panties and looked up at me. We never had sex and I looked at Eric with begging eyes. I wasnt ready to have sex yet. Eric started to finger me which made me yelp. Then he took off my pants and shoved his dick inside me and started to pound me.

Solar:No Eric stop please. I dont want it.
Eric(Still thrusting):Shut up and take my dick Solar.

Eric pinned my arms down and tied them together. I started to cry in pain. Eric was pounding me harder and harder. I was still screaming stop but it was no use. Moonbyul save me please...

Moonbyul POV

I was on the phone talking to my girlfriend and heard screaming. I thought it was the movie so I didn't pay no mind to it. Then the a voice in my head said go help your sister. I didnt listen to it but the screams go louder then i heard the voice get even louder. I hope up and ran in the living to find Eric raping Solar on my couch. I grabbed my bat and hit in in his head with it knocking him out cold. Solar was crying snd shaking. I grabbed Eric and toss him out the house and three him in the elevator. I ran back to Solar who face was red and her body naked. I frozed but then I heard voice say rape her. I didnt listen. I ran to Solar and held her close to me covering her body with a jacket. She was shaking pretty badly. I ran a bath and told her to get in it. I waited by the door like I promise. Once Solar got out the tub and dressed we went into the room but Solar was still shaken up and jumpy. It was cute... Wait no what am I saying? Solar was staring at her body so I grabbed her homework and passes it her. She starred to work on it and I let a smile sating nerd. Why the fuck am I smiling? I fell asleep after Solar did. I honestly forgot I was on the phone with my girlfriend. Of course she hung up but now she might think Solar and I are messing around.

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