This A Big Misconception (November 2019)

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"A parent told me, she hopes her child overcomes his autism like I have. I told her that I have not overcome my autism. I learned to understand and support the hard parts of my autism so I can be and do what I want in this world that is not designed for autistics."-Judy Endow

I found this quote earlier on Facebook but it has stuck with me most of the day because most people think that because I do not have meltdown like I did when I was child that people think I have overcome my autism. It is something that effects my life on daily basis.

Especially when I have issues with sensory, communication, or relationships. Unlike what most people think there is no off switch for my autism. It colors my world and way I deal with the world. So yes, I have overcome some of the side effects of it. But there is definitely no overcoming my autism as whole because it is who I am and how interacting with the world.

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