Autism in A Different Perspective (December 2019)

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I wrote about the bond with my younger cousin before but there is part of this bond that has always been my favorite part about our bond. As someone, who knows they are different from the people around her. It is amazing to find people in life, who forget that you are different.

"If you want to know how to treat someone with autism, look at their sibling. They will show you."-Unknown

This has always been the exactly how he has handle my differences. To the point, he can read me better than most the people in my life. In someone, who deals with sensory issues more when I was younger especially in when I was overwhelmed in many situations. It has always been nice knowing that if I had issue in situation that he would calm me down instead of feeding in the overwhelming situation.

I remember a couple times, I was overwhelmed by our family because it is big catholic family and very loud compare our normal life. Until I was adult, I did not know I could handle our family as long as the parents were not with me because they go back into childhood roles. So I do not get as overwhelmed like I did when I was younger but still he can tell when I have had enough.

In most case, that means getting me into a more quiet room or area. Sometimes that means allowing me to hug him. Actually he knows that I am more likely to hang on him in situations that I am uncomfortable in. If it just the two of us, I am able express things in a way that make him understand what the issue is unlike most of the people in my life. I am still learning how to express what is actually is going on in my brain in a way that people to people who are not autistic. He is definitely special because he allows me to express things that others might think are weird but make sense to me.

"Autism. I am verbal but often have trouble expressing myself. Please have patience with me."-Unknown

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