*^*Chapter #1|Izuku's Life*^*

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3rd Person P.O.V

Izuku groaned as the blaring alarm woke him up. He slams his hand down on it and yawns, opening his eyes, he gets up stretching. Light shone into his room, showing small dust particles floating around. He gets up, slowly trudging to his closet and opening it, pulling out a t-shirt that says... well, 't-shirt' and black shorts with a white line going down the side, along with some All Might boxers because why not.

He changed quickly before going downstairs, smelling bacon and eggs cooking. "Hey mom." Izuku says and his mother, Inko, faced him, "Good Morning Izuku! Here, I already made your plate!" She hands him a plate with bacon, eggs, and toast with jam spread on top of it. He thanked her before sitting down and eating his breakfast. Once he was done he rinsed off his plate and hugged his mother before saying goodbye, "On your way back, bring me some bread and milk please!" His mother called to him, "Alright I love you bye!" He slipped on his shoes before running out of the house, closing the door behind him of course.

No, Izuku didn't have a job at his age, he knows it's pathetic but he just can't find one that suits him. So every day or most days if he doesn't have a plan he goes to the town, looking for either a job or just to hang out, sometimes he'll go to the hill at the edge of the town to draw, for inspiration of course, because there is a huge tree there, he built a treehouse that he can hang out in if it's too cold outside.

As he walks people greet him as he passes by either their shop or just them in general. He walks into the book store and the librarian greets him, "Hello Izuku, I'm guessing you want the comic." He smiles at him as Izuku nods, "Yup!" Izuku exclaims at the mine, shining brightly. The man chuckles, and hands him the comic, "27 right?" The man asks and Izuku nods, taking the book. "Thank you so much, sir, see you another day!" He exclaims and runs out of the shop.

Sadly, Izuku had no friends but he didn't mind, as long as people didn't hate him, he was happy.

Izuku goes into the arts and crafts shop after and walks to the cashier, "Hello Zadia! Is the manga kit here yet?" he asks, he knew of these and had been asking every day because Zadia was a bit curious about his sketchbook and peeked through it one day, finding a bunch of drawings and small manga panels, original ones too.

Zadia frowned, "Sorry not yet but we do have these new brush pens that are alcohol-based so they blend really well!" She explains, trying to lighten up the mood, Izuku pauses for a second, "H-How much are they?" He stutters, obviously interested, but he's afraid because his mother hasn't been getting much money these past few days so he's careful about spending much.

Zadia smiled, "I just got them today but since you're a regular here I'll lower the price to 5 dollars!" She explains and Izuku gasps, "Really!? How much were they before!?" He questions and she giggles, "Over $100." Izuku's shocked expression turned into a grateful one, "Thank you so much! I'll be sure to treasure these!" Izuku says and hands her the money, she gives him the 24 pack markers he thanks her again before running off. Once Izuku leaves the shop he notices it's already mid-day. He looks over to the hill, "I'll leave before sunset." He tells himself before dashing off to the hill.

He says that because he knows how dangerous it is outside after sunset. As he hears people say, people have gotten killed, kidnapped or hurt. It hurts him, to say the least. There was only one time he went home in the dark, he didn't get hurt thankfully but it was when he was 15.


Izuku decided to take a shortcut home through a small alleyway. When he was walking through he felt someone's gaze on him. He turned around but saw nothing so he brushed it off. As soon as he started walking again he heard footsteps going a bit faster than his, he remembered his mother's words at the time, "If you hear someone or feel someone, don't look back, just run."

Izuku gulped and walked a bit faster but the footsteps got faster and louder as he walked faster so Izuku booked it. He ran down the alley, running by dumpsters and trash. Once out of the ally he didn't stop. He ran through the streets and straight home, not even looking back as he swung the door open and slammed it shut, locking it behind him. He cried to his mother that night, apologizing and explaining what happened.


Izuku shuddered at the thought and made it to the top, he sat down on the grass, leaning against the tree. Looking down at the village he started doodling the next page for the comic he was making that was just for him. He was a hero in it, well training to be one with Kacchan and some other people who were side characters but still important. They went to this huge highschool together and trained to be heroes.

He enjoyed drawing, it was a hobby of his but one day he wanted to draw manga's for everyone to read as well, it was a dream of his.

As Izuku was lost in his thoughts while doodling time passed by fairly quick. Suddenly he notices that his shining white paper was turning, darker to him? No. It wasn't that. He looked up from his page, his eyes widening. It was about to be sundown in about 2 minutes.

He scrambled to put everything back together. He closed his sketchbook and stuffed it on his bright yellow backpack along with the markers, liners, and pencils in, not minding to clean it up. He got up and brushed his pants off before grabbing his backpack and swinging it over his shoulder. His legs were weak from sitting down for so long but he didn't care, his mom was probably so worried right now. He started to dash down the hill, ignoring the constant stumbles he was having. 

'How could I be so stupid!?' Izuku thought to himself as he continued to beat himself up for it, once he made it down to the bottom of the hill sunset was already in place as streetlights started to turn on, shops closing down, darker and darker it gets. Izuku huffed before walking again, he ran into a random food shop before it closed and picked up 2 loaves of bread and milk, he also decided to get some eggs since he knew they were running out.

When he stepped out the sun was barely shining through, Izuku's hands were mostly full as he ran down the streets, he looked down one and caught eyes with two men, one with spiky blonde hair, which seemed oh so familiar and on with half red half white hair, He waved holding two loaves of bread and smiled before running home and into the house.

"Izuku I was so worried, did anything happen?!" She asks and Izuku shakes his head, "No, I'm fine nothing happened." He explained and she sighed of relief. "Here let me take those." His mother says and Izuku sighs, "It's alright mom I got this." He protests and she pouts as Izuku looks down at her, "At least let me take the eggs, you're about to drop everything!" Izuku's mother exclaims and he sighs of defeat before handing the eggs off to her.

~Time Skip~

Once putting everything away and tidying himself up and eating dinner he went to his room. 

Izuku plopped down on his bed, sighing into his pillow before closing his eyes, "Today was exhausting." He says to himself before falling asleep, dreaming of the two men he saw for some unknown reason.


Once the boy ran off, the two men looked at each other and nodded knowing what the other thought, "We get him." Todoroki said, "Tomorrow." Bakugo finished.

(A\N- So I just wanna specify something, this is kinda like fantasy AU but modern. They don't have cars, they either walk or by horse unless you're really rich then you get a car. There are phones. It's not like a city anything like that it's a small town. People live in small houses depends on how many people live there. If you're really rich then basically you get a lot, cars, a mansion or a big house, etc. I'll explain more as the story continues but anyway. Thanks for reading the first chapter of "You're Ours" I hope you liked it

Word Count: 1359

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