*^*Chapter #9|Failed Attempt*^*

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(Sorry to interrupt but the picture above is so God damn cute, I wanna die. I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING YESTERDAY I WAS AT MY AUNTS HOUSE SO I WILL MAKE IT UP TO YOU AND POST TWO CHAPTERS TODAY, love y'all.)



(The other person did not want to be @, so I respect their wishes and will not)

(Thank you for all your guys' idea's, I appreciate them a lot, here is your story now muah.)

Shoto's P.O.V

"Katsu babe?" I quietly call out to him, closing our bedroom door behind me. "Hey, Shoto." I look over to the couch and see him sitting there, "Why the fuck did you make m- babe?" My fists clench, I shake slightly, tears prick in my eyes as I stare into Katsuki's ruby red eyes.

"Babe? Hey, what's wrong?" He asks and walks up to me and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me into a hug. "Katsuki, I think Izuku's starving himself." I feel Katsuki's grip tighten when those words fell from my mouth. 

Silence fell between us and the air around us was gloomy. I felt guilty, how could I not. He's like this because of us. Because we took him from his only family and forced him into a mafia with strangers.

"fuck." I hear Katsuki grumble out and stuffing his face in my shoulder, feeling my shoulder damped, I rub his back, ignoring my tears. "It's our fucking fault. There's no other reason right? We took him away from everything he had. Fuck, fuck, FUCK!!!" He screamed into my shoulder.

I nodded slightly, agreeing with him.

Katsuki pulled away slightly and looked into my eyes, "What are we gonna do? Fuck. What if he hates us? No. He definitely hates me for what happened. I don't know what to do?! We can't just but into his fucking life or he's gonna hate us more!" I yell slightly and I nod, "We just have to wait I guess, I tried to talk to him but he said he just ate something bad that morning, there were rotten, untouched, pancakes, in his trashcan and nothing was even touched in the kitchen. How could we let this happen?" I ask Katsuki and he just shrugs and kisses me lightly, "I'm gonna force it outta him." Katsuki grumbles and my eyes widen, "Katsuki no, let him take his time. We can take turns in the morning making him food, making sure he at least eats a bite." I say and Katsuki nods, "But for now, we wait." I say and drag Katsuki to the couch and cuddle up to him.

~Time Skip~
Izuku's P.O.V

I finished my shopping and put away the card. "What to do..." My eyes stopped at the window then I looked at the door, "Did he lock it?" I mumble to myself. I walk up to the door and move the handle, surprisingly it's unlocked. My breath hitched and I stared down at the cold handle, my hands starting to sweat.

'Would they actually kill me if I tried to escape?' I stood there frozen at the thought of dying. My breathing breaking up into uneven patterns. 'Not unless I do it successfully.' I opened the door quietly and walked out, adrenaline pumping through my veins, sweat forming on my skin. Holding my breath, I quietly close the door and pause.

After a few seconds, I didn't hear anyone coming after me so I let out a relieved sigh. I glanced at Kacchan's and Todoroki's door. I walk by it, making sure to be quiet and not run into anything, keeping my eyes on the door and once I am a good distance away from it I book it for the stairs, running down them until I make it to the main floor, seeing some people. I stop in my tracks and try to look casual. I walk away from the stairs and people start to look at me and whisper.

"Who's he?"

"I think he's the new bosses assistant."

"He's so short and weak looking."

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